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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour December 17, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour December 17, 2014



Woman had 4 Spinal Fusions, Confined to a Body Cast; Healed by Power of God


   John, Pat and Chris discuss Delores Winder’s miraculous healing.  John shares how he had the honor of staying in Bill and Delores’ home when he first heard this amazing testimony.   They discuss her recent interview with the host of “It’s Supernatural”, Sid Roth where she explains in details her illness and how the power of God healed her.  Delores suffered from an illness that caused her bones to deteriorate.   Although she was in her thirties, the doctors told her that her bones were more consistent with a person in their seventies.  She had four spinal fusions and even had a surgery that is no longer being performed where her nerves were permanently severed resulting in her inability to feel anything.  Delores continues to explain that her condition was so bad she had to wear a body cast and as her condition worsened and her bones became brittle God spoke to her to attend a meeting where Kathryn Kulhman was ministering at.  At this time in her life Delores did not believe that healing was for today and thought Kathryn Kulhman was a phony but she decided to attend.  She was assisted into the place where the meeting was held and God have her a vision about something she had been praying for and thought that was it and was ready to leave however she noticed that she was experiencing great heat coming from her legs.  She tried everything not to make a scene and did her best to leave the meeting without incident but God had other plans in store.  She was brought on stage and Kathryn prayed for her and she was miraculously healed and began to walk unassisted and testified that God can heal.  This was nothing short of a miracle and the power of God to heal.  John shares how he felt God overtake the room the night Delores shared her testimony with him and those gathered.  Delores would later go back to her doctor and he was astonished by what happen and Delores was able to witness his tears roll down his face as she testified to what God did in her life.  They continue to discuss how healing is for today and God desires to heal all those who are sick and diseased.  They encourage us by sharing how God desires not only to heal us but us in the ministry of healing so that others can be touched by God.  They share of some of the testimonies that they have experienced or witnessed as God has been pouring out His spirit.  Trust God to do great things in you and through you in this new season.



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