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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour December 23, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour December 23, 2014



Hunger and Desperation appreciating the season you are in


   Greg, John, and Pat talk about hunger and desperation and the importance of appreciating the season you are in.  They continue to discuss that until you are in the desert experience it’s hard to appreciate the blessing of water.  If it is always sunny you would never appreciate the sunny skies.  In our lives we have personal winters and ask God to bring the spring in our lives.  That’s how it is in God, if you understand that then you will not be taken down when winters come or fly too high when spring and summer comes.  There are seasons in life and times for growth.  It is all part of God’s design enjoy the season you are in for it will change.   Refuse to be defined by your season but instead be defined by God.


GPS: God’s Positioning System; From South Korea to California to NJ to Manhattan, God knows how to position you


   John, Greg, and Pat share about God’s positioning system.  Sometimes we feel all alone or like we are going through something and we are tempted to think, God do you even know where I am?  You know there are 6 plus billion people on the face of the earth, who am I that you are mindful of me?  Yet, God knows exactly where you are at, what you are feeling even your exact location at all times.  We are so used to GPS today that our phones not only tell us exactly where we are but how to get where we are going.  Well let me tell you that before there was GPS, Global Positioning System, and God has always had God’s Positioning System.  Psalms 33:18 says, “But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, those whose hope is in his unfailing love. “God knows what he is doing.   John shares how he and his my wife were riding bikes in Central Park for their anniversary. John’s wife wanted to go to the Shake Shack burger restaurant in the city she had heard about. There were a few of them in the city but someone gave us directions to one that was close to where we were.  So we headed there on our bikes.  We locked up our bikes and got in this long line that wrapped outside this burger place in Manhattan.  As we are standing in line my wife notices a lady standing in front of us and asks her has she been here before.  The lady told us no but she heard about it and wanted to try it out.  After some more conversation John and his wife found out that Amy had just given her life to the Lord just two days ago.  We shared that we were Christians as well sensing God was all over this we enjoyed lunch together. John continues to share that before they parted ways they all left encouraged with Amy downloading VFNRadio on her phone.  God is so in control and knows where each of us are.  He allowed Amy to leave her home in S. Korea to head to California, then to NJ where her aunt would lead her to the Lord and then to a restaurant in Manhattan where he would send a couple to confirm to her how much Jesus loves her.  Don’t doubt God today be encouraged and know that He knows exactly where you are at and how to best position you.

 We need the plans that start in the Heart of God Not plans that start in the Heads of Men

   John and Pat discuss how we need to have plans that start in the heart of God not plans that start in the heads of men.  The bible tells us in Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”  It’s not just important to have a plan but more importantly to have God’s plan.  All of man’s plans that revolve around man with out regard of God lead only to confusion, scattering and dismantling.  It is so important to seek God’s will when making plans and to be pure in our motives for what we are doing.  In Genesis 11:3 the people at the time thought to themselves and developed their own plan to build a city and to build a tower to make a name for themselves and so they would not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.   Plans that are rooted in pride, self exaltation and self perseverance never end well.  So many times people are praying for God to bless their plans instead of asking God what His plan for their lives is.  The very thing they wanted to avoid actually happened, the tower was not completed and they were all scattered.  They encourage us to seek the plans in God’s heart and not pursue plans that are born in the heads of men.


 When God speaks Move Quickly


   John, Pat and Chris share that when God speaks we move quickly and obey what He tells us to do.  They continue to discuss when God was about to destroy the city of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19.    Genesis 19:15 says, “With the coming of the dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept  away when the city is punished. When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them.”  When God speaks we need to move on what God says.  We cannot take his mercy for granted.  The angels even told them to flee and not to look back.  Don’t think just do; obey God quickly.  There is not time to debate, ponder or think about what God told you to do; there is only time to obey God showing him that you fear him.  Even after God had mercy on them Lot’s wife still looked back because she didn’t respond to God in her heart.  Move when God says to move.


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