Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » VFNRadio Second Hour December 26, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour December 26, 2014



Murderer? Love is not an Option
Greg, Pat and Chris discuss a part of the first teaching Jesus delivered from the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 5:21-26 Jesus speaks on hatred and anger and how God sees it. He compares anger to murder. To hate our brothers or sisters is the same as murder. Hate is defined as, extreme dislike; intense hostility and aversion to… This is why the enemy tries so hard to offend believers, but we must look at the example Jesus gave to us; WWJD. The story in Genesis of Cain and Abel shows us what happens when we become offended, jealous or angry with are brother. Cain murdered his brother when God accepted his brother’s sacrifice over his own. God interceded between the two brothers and told Cain, “just do what’s right” however, Cain did not deal with his anger or jealousy and murdered his brother. Jesus said, a new commandment I give you, love one another. Love is not an option; it is not a gift but a fruit of the Spirit…We are to leave our gifts at the altar and reconcile ourselves to those we’ve sinned against or our gifts will not be accepted. God wants his children to get along; hate divides His family. Make every opportunity to stay in unity and in keeping the faith.
Don’t spend a lot of time explaining yourself
Greg and Pat encourage us not spend a lot of time explaining ourselves.  The truth is they even twisted Jesus’ words and purpose even though he was flawless.  If you are making others happy you are marginalized.  Don’t be prideful and try to explain yourself.  We just need to be right with the Lord.


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