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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour December 29, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour December 29, 2014





The RESPONSE USA: January 24, 2015 Young People Crying out to God


There is an overwhelming change of events that has taken place in America. There is an overwhelming mindset of depression and hopelessness. There is a generation of people that is responding and looking to the heavens, to Jesus Christ, for a response. Join the response in Baton Rouge and be a part of those who are responding, looking for none other, than Jesus Christ, to respond. Hear the details of what is taking place, what others are doing to respond, how you can respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: joblessness, depression, addiction, fear, repentance, Baton Rouge, LA, and prayer. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.


The Coalition: Retired Lieutenant General & Kamal Saleem


With the release of their new novel, The Coalition, authors Boykin and Saleem weave together an invigorating mixture of facts and fiction bringing about the story of Omar (Saleem) and Blake (Boykin). How do we fight the war against Radical Jihadists and the Middle East without first understanding the backgrounds and people that makeup these beliefs? The Blaze shares an interview with the authors and the journey that two men personally lived out that brought about the pages of this riveting storyline. For nearly twenty years, two men who were once enemies, have now come together in Christ, to bring meaning and understanding of what is taking place on the world’s stage. Hear about how this journey transgresses the past, the present, and 5 years in the future within this exhilarating novel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Kamal Saleem, LTG (Ret) William Boykin, The Blaze, Radical Jihad, Islam, terrorism, and prophecy. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.


Vision of the Dark Cloud and the Bright Cloud:  Some of the best of times and the worst of times


Continual prophetic words have been released about the best of times and worst of times. Additional clarity can be seen of what exactly this looks like. Charisma News shares how during a particular conference, Dr. Mark Marclay, shares how he drifted into the spirit and saw “this horrible black cloud was rising up over the horizon”. Marclay asked the Lord what exactly it was that he was seeing. “This is every evil thing you can name. It is every demon, it is every disease, it is sickness and bacterial attacks that haven’t even been discovered yet. It will cause humans to do things to humans that aren’t even human. It is filled with insanity, and many people will lose their mind and their faculties. It is murder, terror, rape, abuse, terrorism, torture, and much worse. It is filled with deceptions, heresies, perversions and filth.” Marclay then dialogued back and forth about additional things that he had been shown.


Only moments later, Marclay had yet another encounter. As he had seen the blackest of clouds coming over the horizon to his left, this time he had seen the brightness of a white cloud coming over the horizon to his right. Asking the Lord what he was being shown, he was told, “It is filled with the greatest miracles humans have ever seen. It is filled with healing for every disease, and a cure for every sickness. It is power to overcome sin and filth- they receive the truth and reject error, heresy and doctrines of demons. It is a full manifestation of My Spirit. It is the full anointing of Jesus Christ and more, much more.” Of all the details of what he was shown, there is a significant difference for those who did and did not have pure hearts and clean hands. Hear the breathtaking details of what was shown, how each of us can have clean hands, a pure heart, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophetic words, evil, demonic works, sicknesses, terrorism, visions, light & dark, Glory of The Lord, abiding, holiness, repentance, and prayer. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.


Maturity in Christ- Believer to Sonship: Rick Joyner


When someone says that they believe in Jesus Christ, is that enough? There is more to Jesus than simply believing in Him, we are called to be LIKE Him. In a recent message, Rick Joyner shares how there are very few Christians that are actually disciples. “Being a disciple is not the goal, it’s the beginning.” Joyner shares how they are actually different progressions through our journey of maturity in Christ: Disciple, Bondservant, Friend, and Sonship. There is a journey that Jesus desires for you. Find out how we can grow to be more like Him, together watching His glory poured out over all the Earth, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rick Joyner, Morningstar Ministries, process, maturity, character, abiding, relationship, the Kingdom, and humility. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.




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