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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour December 3, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour December 3, 2014



Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and His Wife Share their Heart as their, son Avner Enlist in Israel Defense Force


    As men and women go through their own sacrifices about making the choice to lay down their lives to defend their nation, the parents of each are no different. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife have walked through this same experience as they have just sent their son Avner to begin his time in defense of Israel with the Israeli Defense Forces. “We are full of pride and also natural concern, like every home in Israel. We are no different. I told Avner to protect the country and also to protect himself. I wish success to all the soldiers enlisting today, and for all the parents who are moved like us to calm down, it will be okay.” As we pray for our soldiers fighting for our freedom, remember to pray for their parents, for all of their families, and all of Israel. Find out more of what the Prime Minister said, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel, sacrifice, and love. John, Pat and Steve shared in this segment.


Many Bravely and Willingly Lay Down their Lives for their Country: Are We Willing to Lay our Lives Down for the Cause of Christ?


   William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army understood that, like a natural war, there is a spiritual war to be fought for the Kingdom of God and it is forcefully advanced. People must be willing to deny themselves and carry out the orders of the Lord. Looking at different stories of today, there are service men and women who have made the sacrifice to lay down their lives, stand up for freedom, and defend their nation. We are called to do the same for Christ. Find out the details of how significant one life can be, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: U.S. Navy Seals, Osama Bin Laden, sacrifice, obedience, Seal Team 6, mindsets, and love.


Can the Church Play a Pivotal Role in Education?


   CBN is reporting how there are events taking place in our schools involving the minorities of America. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that the Hispanic high school dropout rate stands at 13 percent. As students progress into higher learning, advanced classes, and even graduate studies, one student shares from her own perspective how there were less and less minorities. Rev. Tony Suarez, spokesman for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, stated, “We’re salt and light. We’re ambassadors for the kingdom of God. We need to finish our education. We need to not only be preachers and missionaries and evangelists but we need to become lawyers and doctors and governors and senators.”  As the church, we are not limited to be the light where we fellowship, God has called us to impact all spheres of culture and society. Be encouraged as you hear how the church is responding, how you can share your witness for Christ, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: education, dropout, minorities, 7 mountains of culture, and family. Steve, John, and Pat shared in this segment.


A New Way of Living


   Often times, we can hear a perspective of Christianity as “an upgrade” to our lives, or to view the Bible as a “help manual”. Jesus did not come to upgrade our lives, or to add to our lives, but to transform our lives. When we surrender to the Good News of Jesus Christ. “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” -2 Peter 1:3-4. Find out how we, as the Church, can walk empowered in Christ, in a new way of living, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: salvation, the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ as Lord, transformation, abiding, and relationship. John, Pat and Steve shared in this segment.


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