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Home » VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour February 3, 2015

VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour February 3, 2015



VFNtv working to Impact the 7 Mountains of Culture for the Kingdom of God: We are Called to Disciple the Nations


    Any one culture or nation can be looked at and seen through 7 different spheres of influence: Government, Family, the Church, Arts & Entertainment, Business, Media, and Education. Each of these different spheres, which can also be described as mountains, depends on the business mountain for funding. Depending on who is at the top of each mountain decides if it will impact the kingdom of darkness or the Kingdom of God. So much of our culture is defined by what happens in business. To declare that God’s Kingdom would come on Earth as it is Heaven, is for God’s Kingdom to come and reign in any one area of these mountains, and in all. Whether a business owner, a teacher, or someone who is gifted with media and the ability to make movie productions, it is God who has given these talents and abilities. We can impact our world for God’s glory where He has placed us. Be encouraged as you are empowered seeing the significance of where you are and so much more. Also shared in this segment: business owners, religion, choir practice, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Jay Sekulow. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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Singer, Daniel Ball’s Honest Confession and Social Media Challenge
    As technology is growing more rapidly and permeating every area of our daily lives, often times the lives that are portrayed are not always an accurate representation of the reality that we live in day in and day out. Social Media Personality, Daniel Ball, shares his own transparent journey of what he witnessed in his own life that brought him to this same understanding. We may have 1,000 “friends” in social media but that does not mean that we have relationship with each of these. The click of a button through technology can never replace authentic relationship. Hear his story and be challenged to take the same steps Daniel Ball has decided to do for this new year and so much more. Also shared in this segment: social media, Promise Keepers, and the church. Greg and John shared in this segment.






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