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Is America the Rich Young Ruler? Could the Cataclysmic Events that are Unfolding Potentially Lead to World War and Economic Collapse?

Courtesy of Luis Carlos Torres/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!  As we drive along a road and see events happening on the road, do we look at the road that we could possibly be on? The signs are there. The events are real. Major events are taking place. Through an insightful speech delivered by Glenn Beck, major pieces of the world’s events, present and historical, are brought together to see  clearer pictures of the road that we are currently headed down: ISIS, Radical Islam, Fascism, Germany, Russia, and even Rome. The intensifying events taking place in the world not only affect the people of where it’s happening, but affects all of us. As we are viewing these events, how is it being portrayed to our youth? As ISIS had demonstrated themselves savvy with online social media, there are dots that connect reveling why youth are responding to the invitations of jihad in the name of Islam. Have we replaced the very words of the Son of God with our own views of theology? Have we accepted a replacement theology? The Bible clearly states that God is looking for us to respond in this hour, “
I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.” – Ezekiel 22:30. There is nothing that we can stand behind that will prove worthy when we stand before Jesus Christ on the day that we see Him. To stand is what God is ultimately looking for us to do: to stand for righteousness, to stand up for the Kingdom, to stand up in the name of Jesus Christ. Be emboldened as you hear the awakening truths of what is happening in our generation, how God desires for us to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Glenn Beck, Russia, Vladimir Putin, European Union, Holocaust, Germany, Communism, Fascism, disenfranchised youth, Nigeria, tithing, imprisonment, beatings, GQ magazine, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!



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