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Home » Baltimore- Riots, Burning, and Looting in the Streets: Are we seeing 1968 All Over Again?

Baltimore- Riots, Burning, and Looting in the Streets: Are we seeing 1968 All Over Again?

LISTEN NOW! Tragedy and civil unrest is taking place in the streets of Baltimore, Maryland as the city responds to the death of Freddie Gray after being arrested by the Baltimore Police. As it presently stands, the details of the events are still unknown. The city of Baltimore has erupted in chaos and disorder as a response. When the Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings Blake responded to these events, she stated, “it’s a very delicate balancing act because while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars, and you know, uh, the other things that were going on, um, we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well……”.
At this critical point that the people of Baltimore are experiencing, one would think that leadership would bring immediate rectification to such events, like a curfew. The Mayor of Baltimore decided that a curfew would be in order, “tomorrow”. Why wait another 24 hours with such chaos unfolding? What is the significance of “(hashtag)#PURGE” being the response by those in Baltimore? As the same moments were occurring, a Baltimore City Council member stated, “This is just like 1968 when Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated.”
When we look at the unfolding of these events, it is critical for us to understand the implications of the words that our President stated in regards to the borders of Israel. “The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan and Egypt and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.” Based on the prophetic word from Chuck Pierce, when President Obama declared that Israel was to be based on 1967 lines, America would then be as it was in 1967. In a brief video, detailing the effects of the borders of Israel and the vitality of Israel being able to defend itself, it is clear to see that the borders of 1967 is simply not an option for Israel.

It is imperative for us to see how each of these events and realities connect. As the church, it is for us to pray that these events do not escalate, that they do not become worse and spread. Hear more of the intricate details of what is taking place, the perspective that we, as the Body of Christ must have, how we are to respond, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Obama on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Borders Should Be Based on 1967 Lines

President Obama’s Statement Regarding Israel’s Borders based on 1967 Lines

Israel’s Critical Need for Defensible Borders

Baltimore Mayor Statement Regarding City Protests

The Purge: Anarchy – Theatrical Trailer

As America has Done to Israel- Sid Roth’s ‘It’s Supernatural’



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