For all vessels in their respective Navies and fleets, there are signals and messages that are shared on radio communications. These particular messages are used to broadcast immediate situations, immediate status, etc. One particular message is: “MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY!” This is also known as a distress signal. All listeners on a particular station would immediately understand the implications and urgency of such a transmission. When Paul Revere arose in darkness to awake a sleeping people of the coming British, he sounded the warning call, “THE BRITISH ARE COMING!”! His bold and clear response in a time of impending tragedy roused a people to respond. When we look at some of the events that are taking place in the world today, we are seeing America at the negotiating table with Iran, a nation that is openly against Christians and Jews, we are seeing nation rise against nation, the explosion of persecution against Christians, and much more. Is America in a “MAYDAY!” moment? Is it the right time to sound the distress call to wake a sleeping nation from the impending attacks coming? Find out what is taking place and the signs that point to the critical days that we are living in, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.