A mighty praise report is ringing out from the seats in the House of Representatives as the Pain Capable Unborn-Child Protection Act was passed. According to CBN, the bill passed, 242 to 184. “Almost every Republican voted for it and almost every Democrat against it.” In a video clip showing the different viewpoints of those present, Democrats were voicing concern for the rights of women, while Republicans were defending the cause for the voiceless: the unborn life. From here, the bill will go before the Senate and then ultimately before the desk of the President.
A mighty praise report is ringing out from the seats in the House of Representatives as the Pain Capable Unborn-Child Protection Act was passed. According to CBN, the bill passed, 242 to 184. “Almost every Republican voted for it and almost every Democrat against it.” In a video clip showing the different viewpoints of those present, Democrats were voicing concern for the rights of women, while Republicans were defending the cause for the voiceless: the unborn life. From here, the bill will go before the Senate and then ultimately before the desk of the President.
There was a day when taking the life of another seemed right. We look back to 1973 and the decision of Roe vs Wade wondering how a people could pass such an argument deciding to legalize the killing of life. There will be a day that a generation will look back on these days wondering the same thing, asking how a person could justify such an idea. Pray for the continuation of this bill to pass the Senate and for the President not to veto it. Hear the full report of what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Roe v Wade, voting, abortion, pro-life, human life, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.