LISTEN NOW! Life is actively happening, to each of us. But, not every one of us is living out life in the same manner. Some are sitting on the sidelines wondering if they have a part to play. Others are watching things happen with no desire to “get involved”. But, there are those who are “in the game” and playing an active role in the lives that they were given.
Each of us has only one life. We don’t get another one. Often times we don’t think about this reality, but it is true. At the end of this life, we will stand before the Lord and give an account for how we lived our lives. We can avoid the regrets of tomorrow by doing what is right today. With a closer look, there are 6 areas of our lives that we can see that need faithful oversight in each area. Six areas were talked about and we can also add a 7th, our finances. Hear about each of these areas, the significant impact we can have when we do all things for the Lord, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: gratitude, thanksgiving, the Great Commission, talents, stewardship, technology, business, repentance, relationships, and abiding. John and Steve shared in this segment.
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