LISTEN NOW! Many can agree on the heinous and outright murderous actions that were done through the Nazi Party by the leadership of Adolf Hitler, which ultimately resulted in the extermination of 6 million Jews. Few are aware of some of the events that led up to these outcomes. In his book, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Eric Metasas details the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the events that took place between the church, Hitler, and an emboldened man with a voice of truth; Bonhoeffer.
Adolf Hitler was an outright evil man. So were those that Hitler chose to surround himself with. Martin Bormann, Heinrich Himmler, and Joseph Goebbels were just a few of these leaders. Metasas describes in his book how anti-Christian these men were. The methodologies that these men implemented causes even greater concern. “They hoped to accelerate the timetable for open warfare with the church, but Hitler was in no hurry. Whenever he attacked the church, his popularity waned…..Now was the time to pretend to be pro-Christian” (pp. 165-168). In other words, when they openly came against the church, there was backlash. They had to slowly carry out their plans that displayed they stood with the church. Doesn’t this sound eerily similar to the events that took place in Houston, Texas when the mayor of Houston openly called for the sermons of pastors only to retract her statements after receiving backlash? Houston Mayor Annise Parker ultimately rescinded her original intentions with the statement, “I don’t want to have a national debate about freedom of religion.” At first glance we can say that this could never happen, while we are seeing evidence openly expressed that it already has happened.
To carry these realities another step further, when we look at Hitler’s approach to what the church’s beliefs were, and how he responded, again there are similarities being carried out today. Metasas writes, “Hitler’s attitude toward Christianity was that it was a great heap of mystical out-of-date nonsense. But what annoyed Hitler was not that it was nonsense, but that it was nonsense that did not help him get ahead….In time, he felt that the churches would change their ideology” (pp. 165-168). Why would someone want to change the beliefs of the church? Do the warning bells ring loudly when looking at what Hillary Clinton stated, “Deep-seated… Religious Beliefs…have to be changed.”?
It’s important to remember that although Hitler brought about indescribable evil, he was only in power for 8 years that ultimately resulted in his death from a cyanide pill. Regardless of who is in power, it is only for a season. God is still on His Throne and is still in control. Hear more about how Hitler sought to bring change to the church in Germany, the leadership around him, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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Hillary Clinton stating “Deep-seated…. Religious Beliefs…..have to be changed.”
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