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Home » May Day May Day Anne Graham Lotz 9 Days of Prayer, Fasting Seeking the Heart of God: May 15- 23

May Day May Day Anne Graham Lotz 9 Days of Prayer, Fasting Seeking the Heart of God: May 15- 23

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LISTEN NOW! When an airliner finds itself in a cataclysmic event when a crash is inevitable, a distress call is sent through the airwaves: MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Whether survival or devastation, the crash is going to happen. A signal such as this rings out in hopes that someone, anyone would hear the call and respond in rescue. A similar call is being sounded by Anne Graham Lutz, daughter of Billy Graham, and sister of Franklin Graham, to America and the Church.

In an interview with CBN, Anne Graham Lutz shares how God has been speaking to her and her personal journey when asked to share from the book of Joel. Upon the completion of her message, it was a sobering response that caused her to continue to seek the Lord. At the present state that America is facing, economic hardship, increasing terrorism, financial debt, and moral decline, Anne is sounding the MAYDAY! Prayer call for the church to rend their hearts and turn to God. When we seek the face of God in humility and repentance, God hears our prayers and responds. God can delay His judgment, soften His judgment or stop His judgment completely.

Often, we can miss the reality of what judgment is. We can become familiar with daily life in a blessed land. All God has to do is remove His hand that is over this nation and we will quickly encounter the darkness and evil that God has long shielded us from. Don’t miss this critical moment in time for the church to respond to this warning. Hear more about the interview with Anne Graham Lutz, the details of this call to prayer, the effects of judgment, the signs of the times that point to the return of Jesus Christ, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.



Mayday: Anne Graham Lotz Warns Judgment Is Near

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