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Secular Blogger Murdered for Free Speech?


Courtesy of Stefan Redel/Shutterstock.com

We understand that America is a nation of laws and it is governed by the Constitution. In the nation of Bangladesh, a blogger was allegedly killed by being beat to death for expressing his beliefs. People didn’t like what he was saying. According to the BBC, Ananta Bijoy Das was a blogger for a website that “criticized religious intolerance”. Looking at these events would cause one to casually respond, ‘that will never happen in America.” Some statements made by the President can raise additional concern. Hear more of what has taken place, the importance of the laws within America, what the President has stated, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, the Constitution, Free Speech, 1st Amendment, the Bill of Rights, and blasphemy. Greg and John shared in this segment.


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