LISTEN NOW! When catastrophic events are known to be on the horizon, some people respond with a survival plan of consuming themselves with the ‘sleeping pills’ of the day; in hopes of being able to wake up when it’s all over. With that mindset, one can be enjoying the choicest of entertainment and the finest of foods only to wake up into the reality of concentration camps and evil. During the 1940’s, in Germany, an evil dictatorship was on the verge of being established and placed in power. The people had no idea what would transpire in the months ahead. Today, we have the ability of looking back into this history of what took place in Germany, and seeing the events that occurred months prior to the beginning leadership of Adolf Hitler, that ultimately resulted in 6 million Jews being murdered.
In the book, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, author Eric Metaxas brings together a marvelous tapestry of events and documents to tell the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life. Bonhoeffer lived in a critical hour of the church, just moments before Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in Germany through the Third Reich. Confusion was among the people and division was across the land. As a Christian man who sought to sound the horn of warning to the people in Germany, Bonhoeffer said this about those events, “There were so many theological and political points of view in the opposition that they could never muster a single, focused plan of resistance.” It had seemed that everything that could be divided was divided.
Courtesy of Therina Groenewald/
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