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Home » PROPHECY! BroDon Park: Last 4 Blood Moons a Sign for Mercy for Church Leadership to Repent: God Wants His Church Back

PROPHECY! BroDon Park: Last 4 Blood Moons a Sign for Mercy for Church Leadership to Repent: God Wants His Church Back


LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! As we are nearing the end of the Four Blood Moons, the discussion continues with BroDon Park. When the Four Blood Moons started, BroDon and his family sought the Lord for direction as to what to do and how they were to respond, Park shares how the Lord revealed to him that these Blood Moons are directly related to Jerusalem.

Not only is this a time to pay attention to Israel and Jerusalem, but this is also a window of time of opportunity for the Church to align herself with God. This is a clear sign of repentance, a changing of mind and heart; ultimately a shifting in the way we see everything in order to line up with and agree with the heart of God. We are 60 days away from the Fourth Blood Moon. As Park continued to seek the Lord about how to respond with this: to speak, to evangelize, to preach, and to tell others? Father God responded, “Start with your own house.” The Church has been taught that the Church is a building. This is not so. Judgment begins in the house of God with each of us, personally.
In Matthew 25, Jesus shares a parable about the ten virgins. What we often look over, is that all of them fell asleep. When darkness comes, our human nature is to fall asleep. What time of day is it when we usually go to sleep? In seeking to apply wisdom to his own house, Park humbly expresses how he had become dull in many areas in his own life that he was not aware of. The Shemitah year that we are currently in is a year of mercy for each of us to get our houses in order, to get our hearts in order.
We are seeing greater clarity, more and more each day, the different tracks that separate the things of evil and the world, and the things of the Lord and His Church. We can be one or the other, not both. If we are fixating all of our attention upon one, then we are not concerned about the other. The enemy’s ploy is to cause us to be overwhelmed in all the fears and anxieties of the ups and downs of the world, which desensitizes us and substitutes the Holy Spirit. God is preparing us to be part of the greatest harvest the world has ever seen.
Allow these words to challenge you to draw closer to the heart of the Lord in all that you are and in everything that you are doing. In this window of opportunity, now is the best time to respond to the mercies of God. Hear more about what God is saying, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: 4 Blood Moons, leadership, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Temple Mount, Jubilee, Yom Kippur War, Jubilee, Ten Virgins, Judgment Seat of Christ, Bob Jones, Did you Love, slumber, sleep, darkness, Third Great Awakening, Repentance, Humility and Drop the Knife. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of TeamwerkAG from Pixabay 


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