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MORE Undercover Videos: Planned Parenthood Reportedly Selling Baby Body Parts? “It’s Just a Matter of Line Items”

courtesy of Mirko Tabasevic/shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! The ringing bell of alarm is continuing to vibrate loud for all to hear regarding the atrocities allegedly taking place behind the closed doors of Planned Parenthood facilities. The Center for Medical Progress has released another undercover video reportedly showing undercover buyers discussing the procedures involved with the selling of unborn baby’s body parts with Planned Parenthood affiliate’s employees.

When MSNBC directly confronted Planned Parenthood President, Cecile Richards, about the recent exposing of events involving Planned Parenthood and its affiliates, she responded by saying, “Planned Parenthood makes zero profit on any fetal tissue donation…’ When asked what costs they are reimbursed for, Richard responds by saying, “simply costs of preservation, transfer, you know…”By watching the footage of what has been released, it is clear that the truth of realities directly contradict what Richards implies. Former Clinic Director of Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson, shares the shocking truths of the outcomes of these events by stating, “…that would be $100 per specimen, 50 specimens per day would be $5,000 per day…Planned Parenthood was collecting from fetal tissue. Extrapolate from that $120,000, uh, per month. That is certainly not ‘re-cooping costs’.”

Undercover buyers sat down with Vice President and Medical Director Dr. Savita Ginde stated that 18-25 patients are seen per day. As negotiations progress to what is considered “usable” specimens, specimens by the way meaning human beings, Ginde states, “We would need criteria for what makes something usable or not. Even if you have pictures, because I think that some of it is visual at least at this level. We’re not looking at things on the microscope to see if it’s usable or not. So this is going to be naked eye determination.”

As undercover footage continues, individuals reportedly posing as buyers, sat down with the Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research, Melissa Farrell. When discussing the procedures and compensation of these abortions, Farrell stated, “…we are able to obtain fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget, that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. I mean that it’s all just a matter of line items.”When she is referring to “line items”, this is in reference to financial statements. How evil it is when the murdering of innocent life is simply “a matter of line items”.

As we view the realities of these atrocities, it is a reminder that each of us has a choice: will we choose life or will we choose death? We are seeing the same choice being presented to Israel. Will we choose to stand with those who stand against Israel and choose death, or will we choose life by standing with Israel? As ISIS has continued to increase throughout the world, will we choose to allow those with anti-Christ beliefs to grow by choosing death, or choose life by standing with what Jesus says? Will we tolerate the daily murdering of unborn babies, as we are witnessing today, and choose death; or will we repent and turn to the Lord seeking life? Ultimately, each and every one of us has a decision to make and no one can make the decision for us. The Lord is looking for the Church to stand up. Now is the time for each of us to sound the trumpet of the evil that is being carried out through Planned Parenthood, and to ultimately end abortion. Watch the full report of what is taking place, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.



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Intact Fetuses “Just a Matter of Line Items” for Planned Parenthood

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This post was updated on 09-13-2016

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