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Home » China Declares Financial War on the Dollar? Is Financial Collapse Imminent?

China Declares Financial War on the Dollar? Is Financial Collapse Imminent?


LISTEN NOW! Some would understand the basic premise of debt and income. If one spends more than what their income brings in, an increasing amount of debt is going to ultimately happen. It is only a matter of time before creditors refuse to allow more credit cards and the debt be paid off. In a recent video from Prager University, this is exactly what is taking place regarding America. In the case of America, the debt is a staggering $17 Trillion. What is the outcome when creditors no longer want to offer funds? Prager highlights the reality of what took place recently with Greece: “Investors were happy to loan Greece money until 2010 when it finally dawned on them when Greece couldn’t possibly pay them back. Almost overnight, Greece became a very bad credit rating, and the economy went into a death spiral.” With the rising amount of debt America is currently facing, Prager shares the surprising truth of who America’s biggest investor is: China.
It was former President Woodrow Wilson that started the League of Nations in 1920, that would later become the United Nations that we know today. Woodrow believed that if all the economies of the world were tied together, then war would not happen. America just realized the impact the truth of these decisions made when a major drop in America’s stocks was experienced. This happened as a result of China deciding to drop the value of their currency. According to the Blaze’s Jason Buttrill, “They’ve launched all out economic warfare. China devalued their currency kicking off the biggest fall in over two decades.” The question is, why would China want to do this? “They want to get away from that export driven economy…and create a consumer-based economy”. Stopping here is not the full story. Buttrill emphasizes, “China is trying to destroy the dollar. They want to be the world reserve currency, and, if severe deflation kicks off a depression in the western world, the opportunity will be there for this to actually happen.” As it presently stands, the world has to exchange their dollar for American currency in order to purchase oil. Imagine if every time you needed to fill up on gas, you first had to exchange your dollars with Chinese currency, or another world currency in order to purchase gas. It was Michael Boldea who received the prophetic vision of the leaders of Russia, China, and North Korea making war against the dollar.
God has also revealed through prophetic encounters, “that the world as we know it will be over in 6 minutes”. When we look at scripture, Revelation 13:16-18, “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” This is in regards to economy. It matters what is being done to the economies of the world. With Microsoft’s newest advertising ad, it can bring valid concerns at the possibilities.

These are the moments that we must stand up for righteousness regardless of the consequences. God sees all that we do and He sees all that we do not do. If God is on your side, you are on the majority. God is revealing the wisdom that now is the time to prepare. Be not only informed of what is happening, but what to do about it and so much more. Also shared in this segment: economy, exporting, importing, Prager University, debt, interest rates, Greece, investors, currency, prophecy, taxes, slavery, IRS, beast economy, Johnny Foote, the mark, and end times. Greg and John shared in this segment.

screen capture from.youtbecom/TheBlaze



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