Has God’s Abandonment Judgment on America begun because of the shedding of innocent blood? Interesting Things to Consider
We have heard about different judgments of God. The book of Romans, found in the Bible, chapter 1 talks about this important truth. According to Chuck Missler, there are several wraths of God. One of these wraths is the “abandonment wrath”. In a discussion on the Jim Bakker Show, Missler shares, “I am beginning to increasingly suspect that God’s abandonment wrath on America has begun.” You begin to wonder what would cause God to abandon America at a time such as today. Since 1973, more than 57 million innocent children have been murdered under the guise of abortion. We are witnessing the direct consequences of such decisions. In a later discussion, Rick Wiles shares how he was told by John Price a startling correlation regarding the decisions within America. “He told me, ‘Rick there is a direct correlation between percentages of abortions in a society and the amount of Islamic immigration in the country…The Muslims are being sent in to these Western nations that abort their babies; they’re being sent in as avengers’”.
God is a just God. Sin in the land must be repented for. To put an imagery to this reality, think of this way. The population of Canada is roughly 35 million people. America has aborted almost twice the entire population of Canada. Currently, the elected leaders of America are voting to support this barbaric act. God is a merciful God; but, His mercy IS NOT permission. If we do not humble ourselves and repent before God, it does not end well. God has shown what can happen if we refuse to turn back to God. Watch and hear the prophetic vision of what God has shown others as a response to an unrepentant people, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rick Wiles, Tim Price, Jim Bakker Show, abortion, judgment, innocent bloodshed, ISIS, Rick Joyner, and repentance. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Billy Graham’s NEW Decision Filled with Timely, Relevant Issues the Church is Facing Today
There has been much wisdom that has been shared regarding how to prepare for times such as this. The voice of warning and truth continues to be shared to the Body of Christ through the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and their most recent edition of Decision.In this one issue, the resounding words of warning shout aloud. Some of the articles within this issue, “PREPARE FOR PERSECUTION”; “WE WILL NOT BOW”; THE DO’S AND DON’TS OF SUFFERING”; and “STANDING UP TO RADICAL ATHEISTS”. These are the very moments that underscore the vitality of every believer knowing with clarity and sureness of heart the voice of the Lord. Each and every one of us MUST know HIS voice.
It’s not enough to know or talk ABOUT God, He must be in our hearts. To think that you are right when you are actually dead wrong is the essence of deception. Now, more than ever, we must get back to the simple words of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to save people, not nations. If the people are lost, who needs the nation? By looking at the powerful events of the birth of the Church in the Book of Acts, we can see clearly how we must live our lives. The lie has been promulgated that the Church is the building. This is simply not true. The Church is YOU if you’re a believer in Jesus Christ. It’s time for us, as the Church, to return back to the simplicity of walking out a life with Jesus Christ just as He taught the disciples to do. Be challenged and encouraged in your walk with Christ as you see and learn how to walk out your life in these challenging days, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rick Joyner, abiding, Vine Seminars, Decision Magazine, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Spain, Canada, Argentina, Sweden, New York Times, Russia, John Paul Jackson, John Kerry, and repentance. Greg and John shared in this segment.