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Home » Power of Prophetic WORD happens when it is Released and Spoken

Power of Prophetic WORD happens when it is Released and Spoken

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LISTEN NOW! When God speaks to us an encouraging word for someone else, the worst thing that we can do is say nothing about, especially to the person that God was speaking to us about. When Pastor John Kilpatrick was recently on The Jim Bakker Show, he expressed, “One of the reasons why the Devil fights prophesy so bad in this hour, is because when a person gives a prophetic word, it puts lift under their wings…All of a sudden, now, you’re stretching your wings and you’re gliding, you’re not struggling anymore.” This is the very importance of abiding and hearing the voice of The Lord, for our lives and for the lives of others. Be encouraged as you hear more insight and wisdom about prophesy, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Jim Bakker Show, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Prophesy, and abiding. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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