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Home » You Can’t Survive with a HARD Heart

You Can’t Survive with a HARD Heart

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LISTEN NOW! Few would disagree that these are difficult days that we are facing today. The question is, as The Church, how are we supposed to live in this day and age? It is easy to look at someone plagued with evil intent, murderous intentions, or a convicted criminal and say that one has a hardened heart. It is no question, that this is a dangerous situation. What does it mean for someone to have a hardened heart?

Horrific things ARE in fact taking place. The heads of Christians are being beheaded, students are being told to stand up, being asked if they are Christians, and then being shot. The lives of innocent, unborn children, who are being brutally murdered, have been made clear for all eyes to see, with the videos that were released from Center for Medical Progress. If we are choosing not to face these realities, we are in a dangerous place. Are we feeling anything? Where is the outrage? Where is the brokenness? Because of these horrific truths, one could decide to not want to know, or refuse to being hurt again, feeling pain. Satan is doing everything in his power to hinder love, to stop love.
Ephesians 4:18-19 says this, “They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.”  If our hearts have become hardened, that we have refused to pursue and seek the knowledge of God. We only cry out to God from a place of pain. Pain and hardship is a good thing when it causes us to cry out and seek the heart of God. Running from the existence of pain, or the reality of pain, is not a good plan. It is when we choose to spend time with God, in His Word, that our hearts become softened, allowing ourselves to feel the convictions of the Holy Spirit and act on them.
There is a response that God desires from us during these moments. We can find strength and hope in the arms of Christ. Allow your love and heart to be stirred as you are reminded of the love of God and the truths of His word as you listen and watch this revitalizing conversation, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: James Foley, persecution, Planned Parenthood, Center for Medical Progress, brokenness, emotions, feelings, pain, bitterness, forgiveness, abiding, sensitivity, darkness, thoughts, hearts, and truth. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

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