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Home » Jonathan Cahn: Prophetic Insight of Paris Terrorist Attack

Jonathan Cahn: Prophetic Insight of Paris Terrorist Attack


LISTEN NOW! It was only moments ago when the streets of Paris erupted with shrieks of terror and gunfire that resulted in nearly 130 dead and more than 300 wounded. The world is still grieving and recovering for what is being called “Paris’s 9/11”. Looking at the events by themselves leaves so many questions unanswered. When Rabbi Jonathan Cahn recently shared on the Jim Bakker Show, he talked about the prophetic perspective of what took place in Paris.  
As Rabbi Cahn recounts the staggering statistics of what unfolded in Paris, he recounts one of the harbingers that he wrote about in his book The Harbinger; The Terrorist. What took place can be traced to what happened regarding Ancient Israel. “With a nation that has fallen from God, God allows a strike of terror on the land. It’s a warning. It’s a wake up call. God is not with those people, He’s against the terrorists.” Similar events took place when the Assyrians waged war against Israel. According to Rabbi Cahn, “The ancient pagan Assyrians are, literally, the fathers of terrorism…that’s the people who are being allowed, to make a strike, by God,in the book of Isaiah. Cahn continues as he recounts what transpired in 2 Kings 18 and 19. As Rabbi Cahn continues, he shares the events that unfolded in the terrorist acts of 9/11, which resulted in America going to war in the Middle East, ties directly to the beginning foundations that of the Paris attack bombings.  
Why is this happening? Why does God allow these events to even happen? It matters if we are walking with God or if we are rebelling against God and rebelling against the ways of God. Today is the day that we can wake up to the truths and love of God and follow God in all of His ways. Hear the complete timeline of events and gain a further understanding of what is taking place, prophetically, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Harbinger, Assyrians, terrorism, Hezekiah, Twin Towers, exile, mourning, hardship, rebellion, and restoration. John and Steve shared in this segment. 
Courtesy of anshar /shutterstock.com


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