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Home » Prophecy Perry Stone: Riots and Burning in at least 5 Major Cities

Prophecy Perry Stone: Riots and Burning in at least 5 Major Cities


LISTEN NOW! The calamities that are taking place in the world are increasing. The voices of warning are continuing to shout aloud that what is happening in the world is soon to come to America. Perry Stone and the late David Wilkerson are just some of these voices. Stone received a prophetic vision regarding America, specifically about riots and burning. “…I was standing in a river, looking at 180 degrees; I counted at least 5 major cities. They were cities in the United States. There had been rioting and fighting inside certain sections of the poor sections among ethnic groups in these cities. They were literally burning the cities down.” Stone not only continues to detail the visualization of this warning, he continues to share from the words of David Wilkerson what events will take place beforehand, “…a Russian attack against the United States that would follow an economic collapse of the economy in the United States.” Wilkerson’s words continue,”Federal and State welfare cutbacks will be sparked that ignites the fuse. There will be 100,000 angry men on the streets in rage because they’ve been cut off from government benefits.”

There is a systematic sequence of events that are taking place meant to organize and divide America. The plan of ISIS has been openly shared of the coming events; first Paris, then London, then America. We don’t have to be surprised when we see these events taking place.  God is warning us NOW so that we can REPENT now in order for these events not to take place. Watch and see the full report of what is taking place, the clear warning of what is coming to America unless we repent, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophesy, burning, looting, riots, Baton Rouge, California, New York, entitlements, funding, and Saul Alinksy. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of  siraphat/shutterstock.com



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