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Home » WATCH! Russian, Iran, Cameron, Obama alliance in Syria? Michelle Bachmann talking about End Times?; and Rockets fired off the Coast of California?

WATCH! Russian, Iran, Cameron, Obama alliance in Syria? Michelle Bachmann talking about End Times?; and Rockets fired off the Coast of California?




Russian and Iranian Alliance? Where are we Headed?
Reading the very headlines that are being carried out with Russia and Iran causes one to look at Biblical Prophecy. As the leaders of the world are coming together, God is about to show Himself mightily to the world.  CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck talks in detail about what is being carried out within Syria. When Russia made its presence known in Syria, it was no small act when Iranian General Kassam Sulimani made a trip to Moscow. Sulimani has been called the “most powerful operative in the Middle East today”. Executive Director from Veterans Against the Iran Deal & Intelligence Director for General Petraus, Michael Pregent, describes Sulimani this way, “In general terms, he’s a uniformed Osama Bin Laden.” As the name Sulimani may be unknown in mainstream media, Pregent walks through the long resume of Sulimani’s track record and the number of deaths that can be tied to Sulimani’s attacks.
Rick Wiles complements these discussions as he shares the same warnings when he was on the Jim Bakker Show. “Russia has now moved troops, tanks and jetfighters into Syria and they’re saying, ‘we’re going to kill ISIS’. According to Wiles, Putin is willing to do what the Obama Administration is not willing to do. Wiles talks about how the Christian leader in Moscow, Patriach Kirill, Leader of Russian Orthodox Church voiced the perspective of America to take note of; “The wickedness of America is evidence that Armageddon, the day of Armageddon is drawing near…If you don’t think the last days are here, look at America.”

What is happening in the Middle East has major implications to America and the entire world. Watch the full report to see why these events matter, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.

The Three Major Religions and their Followers: Christians, Jews, and Muslims and the End Times
As the world is still processing the after affects and turmoil of the terrorist attacks in Paris, France, there appears to be an incessant lack of understanding of Islam in the West. It is important to know that Islam and Christianity are not the same. It is absolutely vital to understand this. All three faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all trace their roots to Abraham, but they are not the same. In a documentary about the origination of the three faiths, Joel Rosenberg describes the differences between Christianity and Islam as a “photographic negative of each other”.


The narrative being promulgated in America is that you must love the Muslim faith. No, you must love the people in the Muslim faith, but you have to stand up for Jesus Christ. The Islamic faith teaches that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God. When people are against Jesus Christ, God is not dividing them, they are choosing which side they are on. We cannot love Jesus Christ and the religion that denies Him as Lord.  These truly are the last days. Michelle Bachmann testifies to these realities as she expresses the same notions when she spoke with Tony Perkins in Jerusalem. “The prophets long to see the days that you and I live in. We’ve been able to walk and not just observe 2,000 years ago with Jesus, and 4,000 years ago from the time of Abram; we literally are trotting on the soil that the prophets spoke of into the future thousands of years ago.” It is these very truths that highlight Jesus’ soon return. We are living in End Time moments. Allow your faith to be stirred, your eyes to be opened to the revelation of the hour we are living in, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Russia, Iran, prophetic words, Rick Wiles, Michelle Bachmann, Jerusalem, and salvation. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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