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Home » Television Program Broadcast woman having an abortion while playing Silent Night?

Television Program Broadcast woman having an abortion while playing Silent Night?


LISTEN NOW! As we come to a close of this Christmas Season, many are still celebrating the joyous realities of this season; the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. There are the decorations signifying the manger scene, and there are the many Christmas Songs with the very lyrics signifying the miracle of this momentous event. Reportedly, when ABC decided to air the song Silent Night during one of its productions, Scandal, it wasn’t representing what most would recall during this Christmas Season. During this particular episode of Scandal, a woman is shown having an abortion. When the very lyrics acknowledging Jesus Christ are being completely omitted from other publications, and Christmas trees are being removed, this is what is reportedly being aired across our nation.

As a nation, we have to take a stand to what we are doing with the female reality of our nation. Presently, a significant portion of our products come from China; a nation that just decided to lift the ban of a “1 child policy” to now allowing “2 children”. China aborts female babies at the onset of awareness that they are female because it is the “males” that can support the families, not the “females”. This is not to point fingers, but we must take into consideration the implication of our choices. What are we as The Church allowing in our lives that is bringing us to the reality that we are facing today? Is this the direction that we want to go?

In the beginning of the 20th Century, America experienced a decade that we now recognize as the “Roaring 20’s”. When many freedoms were being implemented, more were introduced that began to push the boundaries of the day. Overnight, the celebrations came to a screeching halt when the Stock Market Crash of 1929 came into full effect. As a result the people prayed, turned to God, and men like Billy Graham were raised up during this season. Why does a “crash” have to happen in order for us to seek the heart of God? Hear the full report of what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ABC, Scandal, abortion, China, King Herod, Financial Collapse, Chicago, Al Capone, and repentance. Greg and John shared in this segment. 
courtesy of Amanda Carder/Shutterstock.com 




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