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Home » Decision America Tour Franklin Graham Going to all 50 States Capitals for Prayer Rally, Repentance and encouraging the church to repent

Decision America Tour Franklin Graham Going to all 50 States Capitals for Prayer Rally, Repentance and encouraging the church to repent


LISTEN NOW! God is shifting the nation. Looking at the present day events, it is important to recognize that we didn’t just get here. As The Church, we must confront these adversaries on the spiritual front, in humility, prayer, and repentance. Franklin Graham is going through all 50 states with one purpose in mind, “We’re asking Christians to pray, to vote for candidates that stand for Biblical values….” As The Church, we must remember that the people are in control, not the government, and we can fight this battle in the voting booth. Watch this empowering truth as you hear directly from Franklin Graham as he shares more about Decision America 2016, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: You are Josiah, voting, freedom, Biblical principles, values, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Screen Capture from decisionamericatour.com


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