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Home » WATCH! Officers Training in Urban Warfare for Another “Paris”; Brian Carn says “the Next 8 years will be Worse than the Last 8 years”?


Brian Carn’s, Prophetic Word- Next 8 Years will be worse than the Previous 8 Years- an Attack Coming to America worse than 9/11? Worst of Times Part 1   
Many times it has been said before that the best of times and the worst of times are coming and they will be experienced together. There were many difficult days that were experienced all throughout 2015. For this new year, a recent prophetic word from Brian Carn gives insight into the level of hardship and coming difficulties that will be experienced.
As Carn starts, he wastes no times making known what is on the horizon.“What happened in California would become common place in America, and an event worse than 9/11 is coming to America.” With 2016 being an election year, he shares specific words regarding President Obama, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, the White House, as well as the voting process itself. “People will lose trust in the voting process. They will deny and doubt America’s political processes to vote and acquire leadership. This next election will be manipulated.” If the days recently passed were not difficult enough, they are precursors to the level of difficulty ahead of us. Carn continues, “the next 8 years in America will be worse than the last 8 years…” But, each of these occurrences has a more important, underlying purpose, “many will come to God more than in previous seasons and in years combined together.”
Many are noticing the signs of rising concerns throughout America. Specifically, law enforcement agencies are taking note and preparing accordingly. The most recent attack has taken place in Philadelphia. An officer was repeatedly shot while sitting in his cruiser by a man, Edward Archer, who, according to investigators, ‘He was following Allah and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and he believed the police department defends the laws that are contrary to Islam.’ In addition, CBN is reporting how agencies are convening in order to adequately prepare for the next “Paris”.
The “Direct Action Resource Center”, known as DAR-C, was founded by Former Green Beret, Rich Mason; it is meant to focus on “urban warfare and counter-terrorism”. As Mason continues to expand on the purposes of the facilities, he shares, “This course is designed to defeat a multi-cell attack, similar to Paris, but actually worse in scale.” These active preparations make sense when considering the words from Kamal Saleem who shared the dire realities of what is taking place on America’s Southern border, “In 2010, the United States Patrol Border reported that nearly 450,000 Islamic Terrorists crossed in the United States of America.” These warnings should be taken seriously. Now is the time to prepare.
God is real. Jesus Christ is still King and He is looking for His people to respond in this hour. Franklin Graham is carrying out a powerful work for the Kingdom as he is traveling to all 50 states to bring prayer rallies. Called, “Decision America Tour”, Franklin Graham expresses what it’s all about; “We’re asking Christians to pray, to vote for candidates that stand for Biblical values….” As 2016 is an election year, Graham reminds us of the significance of this moment. “I believe this next election may be the most important election, maybe, in the history of our nation.”

In America, we cannot forget, that the people are in charge, not the government. As The Church, we must fight this battle in the voting booth. We have been empowered with the freedom to vote. Amidst the growing tensions and hardships that are rising in America, be encouraged as you are not only informed of the rising tides, but with Biblical principles about how you and your families can prepare, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, hardship, crisis, voting booths, politics, Prudent Preparation, Urban Warfare, Radical Islam, Sherriff’s Office, terrorism, CBN News, Saul Alinsky, ISIS, Joel Rosenberg, 9/11 Bombing, Nazarenes, repentance, humility, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.  

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Transcription of Brain Carn’s Prophetic Word for 2016
“What happened in California would become common place in America, and an event worse than 9/11 is coming to America. The Lord says that Islam has a definite problem. They will never shake this reputation of violence from themselves. Even innocent Muslims will endure hardship and persecution in the future and no longer see America the same. American Muslims are gonna begin to gather to cities, like Dearborn, Michigan, and form new communities that contain the populous of their presence so as to guard the backlash from White Patriotic America.
The Lord says that a witch hunt will be found by the end of Obama’s reign; for there shall be a surprising spectacle that will shock the souls of America and sear the spirits of those who embrace the work of Presidential wisdom. A shaking is getting ready to come.
 The Lord says there’s going to be a forced conclusion that’s coming to the White House. People will lose trust in the voting process. They will deny and doubt America’s political processes to vote and acquire leadership. This next election will be manipulated. Even Trump will confront his faith and stir many to a position of place to rioting. This will cause upheaval to come because the political gain was revealed in this upcoming season for it shall be historic says the Lord; and Hillary will be found at the end of the day smiling with success as a new war begins. The saying goes, ‘The bigger they are, the harder they fall.’, and this will be Trump’s greatest blunder and his mockery will be his legacy says the Lord.
I want you to listen to me, the next 8 years in America will be worse than the last 8 years. But, because of this season of darkness, many will come to God more than in previous seasons and in years combined together. “
Brian Carn then continues to share about a vision that he had; “I was having a conversation with Hillary and I said to her, ‘Are you sure you want to be President?’ I said that the next 8 years are gonna be worse than the last 8 years. Then she smiled. She said she was sure. Then I heard military planes flying over my head in the spirit.”  

His vision regarding Hillary Clinton continued when the Lord spoke to Brian Carn while traveling in a plane. “Russia is getting ready to start wars that’s gonna invoke America to be a part of them; things that Americans don’t want to be a part of because we’re friends and allies with certain nations. But, Russia is going to do something in other nations that is going to invoke wars and it’s going to invoke, it’s going to cause America to be a part of it. The Lord said there is a lethal virus coming to America that’s gonna come through terrorism; a lethal virus. He told me to prepare for World War III. He said that there would be two wars. One that would come from the left and one that would come from the right. He said that we would catch them. He said, but there would be a third war, that would catch us by surprise, that we’re not gonna be prepared for, and it’s gonna be a country that we’ve given alms to. They’re gonna turn on us.”

Law Enforcement Seeking Specialized Urban Warfare and Counter Terrorism Training in Arkansas
 As the growing concern of rising evil in America is being realized each and every day, we must remember those who protect our freedoms and serve to keep our safety; our law enforcement agencies. Tragedy has struck the streets of Philadelphia when an armed man approached a police officer sitting in cruiser and fired at least 13 rounds directly at the officer. According to CBN,  Edward Archer told investigators, ‘He was following Allah and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and he believed the police department defends the laws that are contrary to Islam.’
Law enforcement agencies are recognizing the growing threat of terrorism in America and preparing accordingly. Founded by former Green Beret, Rich Mason, The Direct Action Resource Center, provides the adequate training and facilities for law enforcement agencies to replicate the scenarios that have been realized in the world. CBN reports what founder Rich Mason says about the facility, ““This course is designed to defeat a multi-cell attack, similar to Paris, but actually worse in scale.”

See the events that are unfolding today as well as the first-hand visuals of how agencies are responding to fight against these threats, and so much more. Also shared in this segment:   Radical Islam, terrorism, counter terrorism, Urban Warfare, CBN, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Decision America Tour Franklin Graham Going to all 50 States Capitals for Prayer Rally, Repentance and encouraging the church to repent

God is shifting the nation. Looking at the present day events, it is important to recognize that we didn’t just get here. As The Church, we must confront these adversaries on the spiritual front, in humility, prayer, and repentance. Franklin Graham is going through all 50 states with one purpose in mind, “We’re asking Christians to pray, to vote for candidates that stand for Biblical values….” As The Church, we must remember that the people are in control, not the government, and we can fight this battle in the voting booth. Watch this empowering truth as you hear directly from Franklin Graham as he shares more about Decision America 2016, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: You are Josiah, voting, freedom, Biblical principles, values, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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