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Home » WATCH! David Daleiden, Founder of Center for Medical Progress; Indicted Over a Driver’s License?

WATCH! David Daleiden, Founder of Center for Medical Progress; Indicted Over a Driver’s License?



Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem


The authorities within Jerusalem have thwarted a terrorist attack that occurred just outside The Damascus Gate. CBN’s Chris Mitchell brings a first-hand visualization of the scene as he recounts what took place just hours ago. According to a police spokesperson, ‘there were three terrorists. One was presenting his ID to one of the policewomen and another opened up with automatic fire.’  As a result, “the three terrorists were killed on the spot”.


Imagine if this was taking place in Washington D.C., a Washington police officer being wounded in a situation like this. It would be immediately broadcasted. Where are the accurate perspectives from media regarding what is taking place within the borders of Israel? It’s time that we broadcast the truth about Israel, and ultimately stand up in support AND defense of Israel. If all one is listening to, is secular media, the truth of what is taking place is going to be missed. Be informed about what is taking place in Jerusalem, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: persecution, narratives, truth, boldness, media, and persecution. Greg and John shared in this segment.

The Church Taking Action and Delivering Water to the Residents of Flint, Michigan


According to reports, leadership Flint, Michigan have taken recent actions to change the source that the city’s water originates from. Sadly, this decision has resulted in the city’s water being contaminated with lead poisoning. According to CBN, Pastor Atkins, from Gideon Christ Community Church, and his team of volunteers have responded to be the needed hands and feet to the city of Flint. Pastor Atkins shares the powerful words as to what started the response. “I was prompted by the Holy Spirit that I had to do something. My original intent was to do 75 cases of water, but it turned out to be 350 cases of water.”


By looking around your community, your nearby streets, it is easy to notice that so many people are in need. Where is the Church? Are we out where the people are? We have to get outside the walls and go where the needs are. If a vacuum forms because of the absence of light, we can’t complain about what darkness does. Hear this full story and be encouraged to be the hands and feet of Jesus in your community, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: sheep and goats, believers, needy, homeless, prayer, and service. Greg and John shared in this segment.

20 YEARS IN PRISON FOR DRIVER’S LICENSE OFFENSE? That is what David Daleiden, Who Uncovered Planned Parenthood, Alleged Selling of Aborted Baby Body Parts with his Hidden Camera Invitation, as 1000’s Rally in His Support; He is Founder of Center for Medical Progress


Many were shocked to see the imagery and visualization of what was released through the many videos allegedly depicting the horrific acts taking place within Planned Parenthood and the selling of baby’s body parts. What some may not know is the man who led the team that created these investigative videos: David Daleiden. With much of the evidence from these videos now public knowledge, and indictment has been issued. Shockingly enough, it is not for Planned Parenthood, but for Daleiden. Why? He is being indicted for issues regarding his driver’s license. Instead of baby’s body parts, it is a driver’s license error that is being focused on more. 


You know that you must be doing something right when the only thing people can find against you is something regarding your Driver’s License. Reverend Pat Mahoney from the Christian Defense Coalition shares about the significance of this matter. “This is the first time in history that a Grand Jury was empanelled and is bringing charges, with a 20-year penalty for a Driver’s License, that a fake ID on a Driver’s License, for this journalistic story.”


Glenn Beck was able to sit down with this courageous man and ask him frankly what his experience has been through this whole journey. Daleiden shares about one of his most memorable moments, encountering this evil. One of these moments was during a dialogue with a late-term abortionist, Dr. Shelley Sella, who operates out of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Operating at the Southwestern Women’s Options, she carries out late term abortions up to 39-40 weeks. “All of a sudden her eyes looked really hard and mean, and aggressive. For the first time during this entire project, I felt really afraid. Like an actual fear…”


When asked what his thoughts have been regarding the public’s response to the videos that have been released, he shared this, “I always thought these videos and the revelations about Planned Parenthood’s baby parts harvesting would be really big news, um, but I never thought or anticipated it would be like, ’10 Presidential Candidates commenting on it in the first 24 hours’ big.”In the midst of this national attention, Daleiden wants the public to know that this story is not about him, but about what is taking place involving Planned Parenthood. Continuing to dialogue about how others have responded to investigative journalism, he shares about Nancy Pelosi’s statement, as well.


Congress has fully embraced the horrific atrocities that these videos allegedly reveal by creating and passing a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. When the bill arrived upon the desk of President Obama, it was vetoed. Representative from North Carolina, Robert Pittinger emphasizes to the American people how Congress truly feels about it. ”We want them to know that we are standing for righteousness. We are standing for truth. We are standing for the lives of the unborn…” Unfortunately, after the Presidential veto, Congress was unable to muster the needed 2/3 vote to overturn the veto.

Hear this full story of what is taking place within the life of David Daleiden, why this issue is so vitally important for our nation to know about, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Planned Parenthood, Grand Jury, budgeting, protecting the unborn, murder, and repentance. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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