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Home » TWO FLAGS, American Revolution, Presidential Election and their meaning, shared by Evangelist Daniel Norris.

TWO FLAGS, American Revolution, Presidential Election and their meaning, shared by Evangelist Daniel Norris.


LISTEN NOW! It is no surprise that we are at a tipping point with this year being an election year. How will we respond? How will we react to the events and outcomes? When in a time of prayer and spending time with the Lord, Daniel Norris heard the words, “Arise and awaken church for the future of your nation rests within your hands!”  At the same time, he was given a vision. In this vision he saw scales and two flags waving, one over each side of the scale. On one side was a yellow flag that showed a snake and the words, “Don’t Tread on Me”. This is known as the “Gadsden Flag”, On the other side of the scale was a white flag with an evergreen tree in the middle. At the top of this white flag, the words, ‘Appeal to Heaven’.  This is known as the “Liberty Flag”.

Both of these flags came during the birth of our nation during the American Revolution but bring stark differences of meaning. The Gadsden flag is a threat of retaliation, while the Liberty Flag demonstrates our humble dependency of God to intervene on our behalf. It matters which flag is waving over our hearts. We cannot do this in our strength or might. Hear the full prophetic vision that is for us today, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Navy Fleet, General George Washington, pride, humility, and repentance. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Screen Capture from youtube.com Jennifer LeClaire
Courtesy of FEDELEFERRARA/Shutterstock.com  

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