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Home » WATCH! Heidi Baker delivers Prophetic Vision of Americans in Bread Lines?; and Daniel Norris sharing about 2 Flags that Christians are Under?

WATCH! Heidi Baker delivers Prophetic Vision of Americans in Bread Lines?; and Daniel Norris sharing about 2 Flags that Christians are Under?



Christian & Jewish Relationships Being Nurtured, is what Galilee Center is working to do: Beautiful Things are Happening


As Christians we must understand the Biblical history of our Jewish brothers and sisters. This may have been taught to you, or it may not have. How beneficial would it be to be educated about the importance of Jewish-Christians Relations? This is exactly what Dr. Faydra Shapiro is carrying out at the Israeli Valley College in Israel. She is the founder of the Galilee Center for Jewish Christian Relations. This academic center focuses on three pillars: Teaching, Research, and Building a better stronger Jewish-Christian Relationship. It is the actions such as this that bring such encouragement to us and reminds us why visiting Israel would be so valuable. Watch the full interview with Dr. Shapiro to learn more about her activities, why some would choose to be against Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Hebrew, undergraduates, divesting, Mainline Churches, and education. John and Steve shared in this segment.

‘Well Dressed People in Bread Lines all Over America, BUT it will come with Miracles!, Heidi Baker shares about a vision she was given while ministering at a church in America


There are so many events that are taking place throughout America that are unprecedented to the times. Our economy is teetering on the edge. Terrorism is at levels like never before seen. Christian persecution is not only happening more and more throughout the world, but we are also seeing it within the borders of America. It seems that everything that can be divided is.  It may appear as the worst of times but we must remember that we will also experience the best of times. Heidi Baker shared about this recently while speaking on GOD.tv.


“I had a vision in your church and it wasn’t what I expected to see. … I saw bread lines, soup kitchens, and I saw people wearing beautiful clothing. Their clothing was not worn out.” She continues, “The worriers turned into worshipping warriors.” When she asked the Lord why she was seeing the lines, The Lord responded, “Because it’s a suddenly.”When she continued to ask about what to do, The Lord continued to respond to her, “Tell them what you see in Mozambique, they will see in America with the signs and wonders and miracles.”


There are exciting days ahead. These moments are not for us to find our strength or hope in the amount of food or water that we have, but so that we can continue to minister and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who just might be in the food lines. Hear more about these exciting words, the times ahead, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, Prudent Preparation, hunger, compassion, starvation, and suffering. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Evangelist TWO FLAGS, American Revolution, Presidential Election and their meaning, shared by Evangelist Daniel Norris.


It is no surprise that we are at a tipping point with this year being an election year. How will we respond? How will we react to the events and outcomes? When in a time of prayer and spending time with the Lord, Daniel Norris heard the words, “Arise and awaken church for the future of your nation rests within your hands!”  At the same time, he was given a vision. In this vision he saw scales and two flags waving, one over each side of the scale. On one side was a yellow flag that showed a snake and the words, “Don’t Tread on Me”. This is known as the “Gadsden Flag”, On the other side of the scale was a white flag with an evergreen tree in the middle. At the top of this white flag, the words, ‘Appeal to Heaven’.  This is known as the “Liberty Flag”.


Both of these flags came during the birth of our nation during the American Revolution but bring stark differences of meaning. The Gadsden flag is a threat of retaliation, while the Liberty Flag demonstrates our humble dependency of God to intervene on our behalf. It matters which flag is waving over our hearts. We cannot do this in our strength or might. Hear the full prophetic vision that is for us today, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Navy Fleet, General George Washington, pride, humility, and repentance. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Pray With Coffee, at the Coffee house, this pastor decided to offer on a regular basis.


Pastor Tom is a man who is known for his love of tea and his “patterns”. All of this changed when someone gave him the encouraging idea to step outside of his four walls and visit a local coffee house to sit at a table with a sign with these words, “FREE PRAYER”. After stepping outside of his comfort zone, he was shocked to learn some of the stories of those that he would meet and the ability to minister to them.


This is such an applicable moment for all of us to remember when God calls our name. Most often, it is into unknown and unfamiliar territories. It is in these steps of faith and obedience that take us to the encouraging times that God was wanting us to see and experience with Him, all along. Are you willing to step out? Hear more about Pastor Tom, how you can visit coffee houses, libraries, and so much more. Also share in this segment: fear, prayer walks, obedience, evangelism, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.

106-Year-old Woman, Dances with President Obama and First Lady, Celebrating what she, an African American, thought she’d never see, “The First Black President” she says.


Imagine living to be 106 years old. Can you imagine the stories of history one would literally witness and experience? Well, step into the shoes of Virginia McLaurin. She has not only experienced history, she has a context of history. She recently visited the White House, and with the context of history, she was able to personally meet our nation’s First African American President. Not only is she excited, but she dances with the President. Watch this encouraging moment, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and dancing. John and Steve shared in this segment.

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