LISTEN NOW! David Wilkerson has continually been a powerful voice who was used by God to share about the truths and love of Jesus Christ during his generation. Even after his passing in 2011, his words continue on. These truths ring true when we look at current realities of so many nations and economies throughout the world.

These are the moments that we must heed what the Lord is saying to the Church. Imagine a society that has been told the banks have declared a “bank holiday” that will last for 6 months. This word also lines up with prophetic words that have been shared by John Paul Jackson. Today is the day that we can listen to God’s plan and not our own. Hear the full discussion about what is taking place throughout the economies and nations of the world, the entire prophetic word, how we can respond in wisdom, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, martial law, stealing, looting, fear, chaos, dominoes, oil prices, free-fall, Iran Nuclear Agreement, ISIS, Hugo Chavez, Adolf Hitler, Venezuela, hyperinflation, and slavery. Greg and John shared in this segment.
courtesy of Tramvaen/
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