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Home » The Government Might Subpoena Your Toaster? The Fourth Amendment Still Matters

LISTEN NOW! It is no question that the number of digital devices accessing the internet are increasing with every new calendar quarter. Most of us have the typical television or laptop computer. Some may even have a mobile device or tablet. But now, a toaster that accesses the internet? The more data we give up; the more freedom we give up as well. If we are receiving technological abilities for free, then most often, we are the product.

We are entering a new era that causes us to seek out and discern what is wisdom for times such as these. When the 4th amendment was originally crafted for the security of “persons, houses, papers, and effects…” we are entering uncharted territory when our information is digital information. As Americans within a free nation, we each have a Constitutional right to privacy. Reportedly, there have been discussions of handing over our sovereignty to the United Nations. Imagine all of our nations documents, individual’s documents, and business documents being managed and overlooked by the United Nations. You may be shockingly surprised at the voting block make up currently within the United Nations. Hear this full report of what is taking place today, what is on the horizon if we do not respond, what our current freedoms are today, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: elephants, closets, data bases, websites, Constitution, fitbit, password, phones, and webcams. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Ferenc Cegledi/

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