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Home » Ben Carson and Johnny Moore Activating Christians to Vote their Values; My Faith Votes

Ben Carson and Johnny Moore Activating Christians to Vote their Values; My Faith Votes


LISTEN NOW! As this election year continues on, many are doing all that they can to encourage Christians to exercise their faith by voting. When Dr. Ben Carson recently spoke at the Conservative Political Action Committee, (CPAC), he spoke about how faith is about to be driven “out of our country.”


As Dr. Carson continues to speak he reminds the audience how individuals such as Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama, who have “heroes” such as Saul Alinsky, the author of “Rules for Radicals”. This is the book that was dedicated to Lucifer in the front page and gives recognition to both Hillary and President Obama on the back page. Taking this into consideration, Dr. Carson continues, “So, when we’re talking about throwing God out and substituting something that is radically different, you can imagine what the effects are going to be on our nation.”


As a voice for My Faith Votes, Johnnie Moore, also shares about turnout of Christian voters in the last Presidential election. “25 million Christians stayed at home. 5 million votes decided who would be President.” As Christians, we must exercise our faith in the voting booth. Listen to the full statements from Dr. Ben Carson, Johnnie Moore, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: progressive, freedom, elections, voting, and beliefs. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Screen Capture from Vimeo.com/MyFaithVotes



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