LISTEN NOW! These truly are exciting days. Some have said that the hardest gathering to get people to attend is a prayer gathering. This was not the case at the United in Prayer event co-hosted by Pastor Ted Traylor and Pastor Joey Rogers. The entire gathering was Biblically sound and focused on The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.
Churches from across North West Florida gathered in unity, repenting for sins and crying out to God for revival. It was a powerful sight to see Pastors respond and make their way to the altar, on their knees, standing in the gap, praying for the city and the nation.
If this isn’t exciting enough, this gathering is just a pre-cursor to the United in Prayer event on Sunday, September 11th, 2016. It will be at the Pensacola Bay Center. Be sure to mark your calendars. Hear the full story about what took place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: unity, humility, and revival. John shared in this segment.
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Matthew 6:9-13, 2 Chronicles 7:14
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