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Home » Warning: Famine Coming to America, Revelation 6:8? Prophecy Hubie Synn ,Who prophesied the Harbinger

Warning: Famine Coming to America, Revelation 6:8? Prophecy Hubie Synn ,Who prophesied the Harbinger


LISTEN NOW! Jonathan Cahn is the author of the New York Times Bestseller, The Harbinger. But, it was the confirming prophetic word by Hubie Synn, sitting next to him in an airport terminal, that The Harbinger began to create a national audience. Synn is the author of The Tales of a Wandering Prophet, and he has a prophetic word for America.

Synn shares that he has been reading through the story of Joseph and looking at how the famine took place. “The Lord has…been speaking to me about the story of Joseph, and how Joseph was forewarned of a famine.” He continues to share, “As I was reading through what happened to Joseph, the Lord was kind of telling me, that we need to prepare, because there is something coming. A famine is coming.”


When we consider what is happening around the world; China devaluing their currency, Saudi Arabia’s request for a multi-billion-dollar loan, and Greece’s pending economy crash that has just been delayed because of a previous loan, we can see how his next words apply to us today. “When the famine hit Egypt, before it hit Egypt, other parts around it were hit first. And, when you look at world events now… all their markets are pretty unstable.”

We are in the best of times and the worst of times. Now is the time to prepare. We can avoid tomorrow’s regrets by doing what is right today. Hear the full words of this prophetic release, how to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: world markets, financial districts, oil, central banks, destabilization, currency manipulation, and hardships. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Courtesy of 1000 Words/shutterstock.com  



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