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Home » WATCH! Prophetic Word of Storm Coming to DC Followed by a Fresh Wind; Hail the size of Softballs in Dallas; and Azusa Now: All Nations Praying

WATCH! Prophetic Word of Storm Coming to DC Followed by a Fresh Wind; Hail the size of Softballs in Dallas; and Azusa Now: All Nations Praying




Storm Coming to Washington DC, Followed by a Fresh Wind of the Spirit! – Prophetic Word    

A fresh prophetic word was just released from the VFN Dream Center regarding what the Lord is doing. As Brett Holderbaum shares, he describes how he felt a strong wind blowing while he was worshiping the Lord. It was in this moment that he recalled how hurricane-force winds begin. While Brett was considering this, the Lord showed him a map of the coast of Africa, where hurricanes form. “The Lord showed me, in this vision, a hurricane going up the East Coast of America. Then he showed me a map and I saw Washington D.C.” He continues to share, “God is tearing down the monuments, all the monuments that men made…A fresh wind is going to blow through Washington.”

We can be prepared and respond to words such as this and not be surprised with the storms increase. See the full prophetic word of what the Lord is saying, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, gifts, Washington D.C., and prophetic word. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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All HAIL Breaks Loose in Dallas- Hail the Size of Softballs Cause Massive Destruction in Dallas! Fulfillment Prophetic Storm

In 2012, John Paul Jackson shared many shocking prophetic words as he released some of the words the Lord had revealed to him by showing him newspaper headlines of the events that were about to be seen throughout the world. This prophetic word may have been delivered four years ago, but its implications brought devastating realities to Texas residents. ABC News shares how this softball-sized hail was a reality in North Texas.


Residents watched as the hail dropped from the sky with such force it was bouncing off the ground, shattering windows of homes, and totaling cars. Sara Correa was in her car, with her daughter, when the hail began to rain down. “The back window just completely shattered through. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever been through.” Both her and her daughter are safe. Resident’s homes however, can’t say the same. ABC News continues to report, “Two hail storms last month already did a billion dollars in damage and peak season is just getting underway.”You can see the full prophetic word, the actual hail, and so much more. Also shared in this segment:  prophecy, storms, weather, and damage. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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The Church on the Gulf Coast Coming Together in UNITY: Historic Prayer Gathering 9-11-16 Pensacola Bay Center

These are magnificent days that we are a part of. In the Gulf Coast, the Body of Christ recently came together in a time of prayer to cry out to God for revival. To continue this forward movement, another prayer gathering is being held at the Pensacola Bay Center on September 11th, 2016. This is a full circle year as it was nearly 17 years ago when the Church in the Gulf Coast gathered together under the same roof to seek the face of God. Don’t miss this exciting event. Remember to mark your calendars today of this upcoming event in September. See the full report of what is taking place in the Gulf Coast, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: revival, humility, pastors, prayer, repentance, and unity. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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The Nations Gathered Praying in their Native Language, This is Acts 2; Azusa NOW! Part 6


Often times we can be witnesses to events unfolding before our very eyes and not connect the dots to realize that the Bible is being played out directly in front of us.   Acts 2:5 reveals, “Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.” When we have believers from all tribes and tongues spanning the Globe, this is an important event we must take note of. This is exactly what took place when the Body of Christ convened at the Los Angeles Coliseum to commemorate the 110th Anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival. From American Indian, Jews, Egyptian, Swahili, French, Russian and Portuguese, you are sure to be greatly blessed and encouraged to witness this awesome sight. See this powerful moment in the Church, hear all the nations that were present in the moment of prayer and intercession, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: unity, prayer, humility, tongues, tribes, and the Holy Spirit. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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We are in WWIII says Former Congressman Wolf!

More than once, it has been said that the days that are upon are going to be the best of times and the worst of times. When a discussion panel was gathered for religious freedom, the words boldly declared by Former Congressman Frank Wolf cannot go ignored, “The Administration and the Congress have to deal with it; or else some very very bad things are going to happen in the world…WE ARE IN WORLD WAR III SO CONGRESS SHOULD BE DEALING WITH THIS…” Watch and see the full report of what was shared and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rick Joyner, discipleship, and hardship. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Marines Worshiping God: Just Powerful!

It is such an encouragement to see people worshiping God. It is another to see men worshiping God. What about those that fight for our freedom, specifically Marines? While in a time of praise and worship, a gathering of Marines, rifles slung around their shoulders, can be seen lifting their hands and shouting their voices to the Lord. God is moving upon all flesh in the Earth and the embers of the fires of revival are beginning to burn. Watch the full event unfold, hear more about the encouragement that God is doing, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: military, worship, revival, and Glory of God. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Are You Tired of Religion? Hold on because God’s Glory is being Poured out and it is WONDERFUL!     

The only person that can get in your way of pursuing God is you. You can have as much of God in your life as you want of Him. You can encounter the presence of God as much as you want. In these days of trembling, do not fret, if you are in the Lord’s will for your life. God will protect those who are His. Are you prepared to receive the harvest? Do you have what it takes to train up those that God is drawing to Himself? Now is the time to be bold for the Gospel. Be greatly encouraged and stirred as you hear about what God is doing, the wisdom of how you can be adequately prepared, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: harvest, evangelism, the Kingdom, Elisha, famine, and the will of God. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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