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Home » WATCH! IDF Deputy Chief says “Israel consistently prepared for unexpected”; Wisdom with T.D. Jakes; and Bono sits down with translator of the Message Bible, Eugene Peterson

WATCH! IDF Deputy Chief says “Israel consistently prepared for unexpected”; Wisdom with T.D. Jakes; and Bono sits down with translator of the Message Bible, Eugene Peterson



IDF, Israeli Defense Force, Deputy Chief: Israel is Consistently Prepared for the Unexpected

Regardless of the perspective the world may have regarding Iran, Israel is not surprised. Israeli Defense Force, Deputy Chief, Major General Yair Golan, commented that “Iran is a different fellow compared to anything we’ve experienced before in our 68 years of independence”.  Israel will not respond lightly towards Iran in any way. Golan continues, “I would like to emphasize the fact that Iran is a different fellow compared to anything we’ve experienced before in our 68 years of independence”. It matters that we remain prayerful for Israel and a watchman for the peace of Israel. Hear the full statements from the Deputy Chief and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, Hamas, Jordan, Iran, Radical Islam, and prayer. John shared in this segment.



T.D. Jakes 5 Things He Would Tell a Younger T.D. Jakes: Wisdom Learned


So many can blindly repeat knowledge, but who has wisdom? What would you say if you could sit down with yourself 33 years ago and share the wisdom that you now know? This is exactly the wisdom Pastor T.D. Jakes was asked when he sat down with Charisma. Pastor Jakes is an accomplished man, recognized author, and Pastor of the Potter’s House. When asked to share his wisdom, his insight is sure to impact others.


“Let your purpose guide you”was the first thing he offered. So often we can get wrapped up into the purposes of others and this world. Our life takes on a radically different perspective when we begin to seek the purposes of God. Jeremiah 29:11 explains, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” It takes time to cultivate and invest these purposes. The older we get, the more valuable we see the precious commodity of time that each of us are given.


Pastor Jakes continues to express his wisdom by advising “not to let others define him”. If we base who we are strictly upon what others say, we will experience a miserable life seeking to satisfy the ever changing demands and expectations of those around us. Bill Johnson, of Bethel Church shares, “I refuse to have a thought about myself that God doesn’t have about me.” Imagine if everything we did was for the eyes of one: God. Regardless of who we are, or where we are, God always sees what it is that we are doing. When we live out our lives for His attention alone, it doesn’t matter who is present or who is not.


As he remembers those difficult roads in his life, Pastor Jakes expresses. “disappointment is inevitable, but suave financial sense can ease the burden.” Often times, we like to train people for success but we fail them by teaching them how to fail. Failures are inevitable in life.  We celebrate winning but the truth is, each of us will have far more failures than successes in life. Each of us has the power of choice. Blame is not a justified answer. Blame can be simply understood as this: But Look At My Excuse. We need to teach the next generation the importance of finances, to teach them how it works, not to simply love the things that it provides, but how to use it as a tool to advance The Kingdom of God.


Pastor Jakes also encourages, “let go of some relationships…there are some people that you do lunch with and there are some people that you do life with.” It takes wisdom to recognize that not everyone is our friend. This applies to everyone on Facebook as well. If God is our true number one priority, a true friend is one that draws us closer to God instead of away. Just as we value those that invest in our lives, we must also be those who sow value into the lives of those around us.


Lastly, Pastor Jakes reminds us to “let it all out in a laugh.” There are too many serious moments in life for us not to be able to laugh at ourselves.  We need people in our lives that we can experience these humorous moments with. Slow down and smell the roses. Hear more of Pastor Jakes’ statements of wisdom, how to apply this wisdom in our lives, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: relationships, time, eternity, identity, self-esteem, value, success, failures, Hobby Lobby, toxic, and humor. John and Steve shared in this segment.



U2’s Bono and Message Bible Translator Eugene Peterson New Documentary Film on the Book of Psalms: Two Unlikely Individuals meet for an Historic Encounter


 Not too often does a lead singer of a rock band get to sit down with a Bible Translator, but today that all changes. Eugene Peterson is the translator of “The Message Bible”. Peterson didn’t know who U2’s ‘Bono’ was until he received a copy of a magazine. In this particular moment, the magazine included an interview with Bono. That was just the beginning for Peterson who eventually purchased a few of U2’s albums to learn more.


During a discussion at Point Loma Nazarene University, Peterson shares how he was first invited to spend time with Bono. Regrettably, he was facing a timeline during his translation of The Message Bible and had to decline the offer. During an exchange with Dean Wilson, Wilson raises the point, “You may be the only person alive who would turn down the opportunity just to make a deadline. I mean c’mon; Its Bono for crying out loud!”After a heartfelt laughter from the audience, Peterson punctually responds, “Dean, it was Isaiah.”


Peterson was able to eventually meet Bono when invited to Dallas and see one of U2’s concerts during their 360 Tour. The meeting was returned when Peterson invited Bono to his lakefront home on Flathead Lake in Montana. Around the kitchen table, they share their memories of when they were first introduced to The Book of Psalms. See this genuine exchange of men dialoguing about their friendship with each other and so much more. Also shared in this segment: influence, relationships, music, Rolling Stones, and analogies. John and Steve shared in this segment.


See more, related content and articles for this article.

 “What’s it like Being a Mom?” Honoring Mothers on Mother’s Day

Our mothers truly are worthy of our honor and gratitude. This Mother’s Day we take the time to remember all of the hard work and kind words they have given us throughout the years. We are so grateful that many of our mothers didn’t respond how many fathers would have in the scenarios that have played out in our lives. Enjoy this memorable moment as we remember our mothers and so much more. Also shared in this segment: humor, wisdom, relationships, and food fights. John and Steve shared in this segment.



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