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Home » “If You Don’t Have a Warring Spirit You Won’t Be Able to Stand”. Prophet Bobby Conner Shares about What is Ahead for the Future

“If You Don’t Have a Warring Spirit You Won’t Be Able to Stand”. Prophet Bobby Conner Shares about What is Ahead for the Future


LISTEN NOW! There is no doubt that we are experiencing great times of darkness right now throughout the world. But, the darkness is going to increase upon the Earth. During a powerful discussion with Paul Keith Davis and Bobby Conner, Davis asks Conner what he is seeing in the future for the remnant of the Church. It is this very reality that Conner talks about and how we can prepare for these coming times. “I think that where we are and where we’re going to end up is going to be one of the most turbulent times in human history.”

This is going to be great times for the Church. As Conner explains, “In the darkest of times is when we are going to shine the brightest.” But, it is this coming season that calls for those who know who they are in Christ. Conner continues, “This little mamby pamby thing we’re calling Christianity right now, won’t cut it…No. God is awakening the warriors. If you don’t have a warring spirit, you won’t be able to stand during these days.” Some may look at our present reality in the world and wonder where we are in the Bible. Conner explains that we are in the Book of Jude; “Certain men have crept in unaware teaching us, ‘it doesn’t matter how you live anyway you want to’. It does matter how you live”.

It is in the midst of darkness, when the Church is bold for the cause of Jesus Christ, that is when we will see great signs and wonders. This is exactly what happened to Stephen in Acts Chapter7. As a result of his bold witness of the gospel, he was stoned. But, it was during being stoned that he said these words in Acts 7:56 “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” These are exciting days for the Church. Get the full statements from Bobby Conner as you are greatly encouraged, and so much more. Greg shared in this segment.

Screen Capture from Youtube.com/WhiteDove Ministries

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