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Home » Should Social Media Dictate what is Shared and What Isn’t? Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Responds to Senate Letter of Political Biases?

Should Social Media Dictate what is Shared and What Isn’t? Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Responds to Senate Letter of Political Biases?


LISTEN NOW! Reportedly, the social media giant, Facebook, has been biased towards their ‘Trending Topics’ feature. As a private company, Facebook can decide to do whatever they want. But, upon receiving a letter from the Senate, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has decided not to use certain sources that weigh towards one particular direction. Truth of the matter is that word of mouth is still the best advertising.

Google is another great source on the web. When using Google Search, there are pages and pages of search results. Google determines who will be first to come up on these searches. Surprisingly enough, when VFNtv was first launched, Google was putting us out everywhere. As our beliefs and values have become more known, for some reason, Google appeared to change their analytics and are no longer in the spots we once were in searches.


Because of the many platforms now available, VFNtv is accessible across many resources: Facebook, Sound Cloud, and podcasts are just the beginning. When the Third Great Awakening kicks in, more and more will be shared and be going viral because all of what God is doing. Hear the full report of what is taking place regarding Facebook’s most recent decision, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: friends, technology, platforms, apps, and information. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.  

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