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Home » “The Oil Fields in Saudi Arabia Are Going to be Set on Fire” Prophetic Word shared by CBN’s Pat Roberston

“The Oil Fields in Saudi Arabia Are Going to be Set on Fire” Prophetic Word shared by CBN’s Pat Roberston


LISTEN NOW!In the world today, we are seeing such a global dependency upon the existence of oil and the price of oil. When CBN’s Pat Robertson shared a prophetic word at the end of 2015, it brings a staggering awareness of the events that we are seeing today.


 “The oil fields in Saudi Arabia are going to be set on fire.” He continues to share, “I think that we’re going to see, whether its al-Qaeda, or whether its Iran…the oil fields are so exposed, the refineries are so exposed, those huge oil fields are so exposed, the pipelines are so exposed…” If this devastating act happens in Saudi Arabia, the true devastation would be experienced at the gas pumps. Robertson shares, “when that happens, the price of oil, $150 a barrel, $200, I don’t really know how much, it’s going to go through the roof.”


We have seen economic hardship being experienced throughout the world. Especially countries like Venezuela, know this reality all too well. According to Robertson, these effects can be traced back to Saudi Arabia. “The Saudis have been so selfish… They’ve hurt the Iranians. They’ve hurt the Russians. They’ve bankrupted Venezuela and they are bankrupting dozens of the oil producers here in America.”


As Robertson warns about the importance of Saudi oil fields, it brings an eerie comparison to the novel written by former Radical Jihadist, now Christian, Kamal Saleem and Lt. Gen. (Ren) Jerry Boykin, The Coalition. They both sat down with CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck and shared about the story behind the story.


As the authors share about the novel, they reveal that the storyline actually takes place five years from the time of the publication. That would put the plotline at 2020. In the storyline, Radical Islam has taken control of “large sectors of the world”, but it is the private sector, not the government, that stands up in opposition to this rise of Radical Islam. (Ret.) Gen. Boykin shares who makes up this opposition, “Its business people that can help to finance this. It is former military people. It is your everyday citizens that have recognized that the future of their children and grandchildren depends upon them doing something to stop Radical Islam.”


At the time reflected in the novel, as Stakelbeck shares, ‘The West begins to become overrun by Islam”. Kamal Saleem begins to share are more in depth perspective. “They understand how to infiltrate our civilization. They go after our very sphere of influences, the ‘Mountains of Influences’, family, to education, to military, and they are effecting everything within.” He continues to share that, “The West is weakened because they don’t have the fight in them anymore.” Back in present day 2016, Saleem shares the dire situation, “We have an issue right now with education. Our media is our worst enemy. The media is not telling us what is happening overseas. We have hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered so far and nobody is talking about it.” Saleem continues to share, “our government is absolutely playing the other game and they are taking this sequestrian money and they are advancing Islamization in Europe. They are helping the explosion of Islam.”

These present events can clearly be seen taking place in America. But, how the book ends is where the connection can been seen even more: the oil fields. It is all about the oil. If you can take somebody’s oxygen, you control them. Right now, the world’s oxygen is oil. Economies cannot survive without oil, as we are presently seeing taking place within Venezuela. Regardless of all of these events taking place, Jesus is still in control. In John 16:33, Jesus shared these words, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Regardless of the storms in this life, be encouraged as you are reminded that Jesus is still in control. Hear the full words from Pat Robertson, the full conversation of Saleem and Boykin’s new book, The Coalition, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: economy, crisis, hardship, financial collapse, Muslim Brotherhood, terrorism, jihad, and prayer. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
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