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Home » Sony Developing Innovative Contact Lenses that Record Videos and Taking Images , Although Amazing What about our 4th Amendment Right to Privacy?

Sony Developing Innovative Contact Lenses that Record Videos and Taking Images , Although Amazing What about our 4th Amendment Right to Privacy?


LISTEN NOW! With all the presently advancing technology in our present day, get ready to add another to the list. Sony has currently developed a camera, that fits on a contact lens. No need for another smartphone, this development stores data on its own and is able to take pictures with a simple blink of an eye. The questions and concerns that can be a factor can be realized by looking at a previous invention, Google Glass. Some were against them as they felt it was a violation of their 4th Amendment Rights, and other even received traffic tickets for wearing them while driving. Will any of this change just because the technology is getting smaller? See the contact lenses for yourself, hear more about this technology, the possible dangers, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Constitution, privacy, vision, technology, and wisdom. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Courtesy of Semisatch/Shutterstock.com 

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