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Home » “America Invaded, Military Shrinking, Violence, Anger Erupts, and Food Shortages unless We Repent” says John Paul Jackson

“America Invaded, Military Shrinking, Violence, Anger Erupts, and Food Shortages unless We Repent” says John Paul Jackson


LISTEN NOW! When we look at the landscape of America, we can see the heart of America is hard. It appears that the more travesty and devastation occurs, the more calloused many become. Slowly we are recognizing that there are people around us and we must have a sense of community. It is easier to endure times of difficulty when we have others alongside us than trying to do so on our own. John Paul Jackson has prophesied about the difficulties that lie ahead and what will happen if we do not turn to the Lord.

“There’s anger that is going to be erupting, violence that is going to be in the streets. Rich houses, neighborhoods are going to be invaded. The Robin Hood mentality of what’s yours is mine is going to spread…all you’re going to see in multi-million dollar neighborhoods is chimneys left standing and burnt charred of the houses.” These realities are going to be so widespread that it will be beyond what law enforcement can adequately respond to. “It will become so prevalent, police forces will not be able to take care of it, and even the military forces will only be able to take care of it in the urban areas and not the rural areas; and even all urban areas won’t be able to be taken care of because it will be so widespread.”


In today’s world, it appears that war is a given, and something that has always been. But, this is not so. There have been times when wars have needed to be fought, increasing the size of our nation’s military, and there have also been seasons where there has been extended periods of peace causing our military to decrease in size. When war appears to be at its highest in the world, one would think of all times, this would be the worst time for America’s military to be continually downsized. Actually, this was prophetically warned about long before today. Amidst multiple prophetic words about these days, John Paul Jackson has shared specific words about our nation’s military. “Our military will be coming home, the Lord said. Finance is going to force you to shrink the size of the military, it will end up causing cracks in the military and end up allowing your country to be invaded if you do not turn your heart to me.” When we hear the words ‘Martial Law’, we can assume that insinuates a bad thing. But, when we begin to consider the environment at hand that causes Martial Law to be in effect, we will see Martial Law as a good thing as it restores peace to a once volatile and dangerous environment.


There once was a day when America being invaded was an unthinkable proposal. Today, with our weakened borders, continual threats of Radical Islam, and a decreasing defunded military, it is rare to have a conversation where one doesn’t see an invaded America as a possibility. What does it look like to experience such a threat to our national security?

When one woman received a prophetic dream, she was shown what it would look like. In this dream, she was driving a SUV and people were running in the opposite direction. Their faces full of fear mirrored the faces of those on 9/11. While driving she saw a body on the ground and realized that it was Condoleezza Rice, Former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to George W. Bush. Blood had drained from her body. Suddenly the body started to move and she got up. The blood that had left her body coagulated and formed the body of a human that stood next to her. What happened next was a surprise as people were led to believe something completely different than what actually took place.

All of these things that are happening are actions from God seeking to reach the heart of mankind, hoping that we will turn back to our God. Never before has 2 Chronicles 7:14 been recited more than today, “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” What is often left out is the verse BEFORE, “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people”. This is a storm fashioned by the hands of God seeking to turn the hearts of mankind back to Him. This is not to cause panic, but to simply recognize that God is seeking to bring in a harvest of souls. Now is the time to prepare, to respond with wisdom. Hear the full report to see all of the prophetic words from John Paul Jackson, what God showed him about droughts in Southern United States, food trucks robbed, the cost of bread, the Garden of Eden, Venezuela, food shortages, Best of Times, and Worst of Times. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Tramvaen/shutterstock.com

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