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Home » “Russia will Blackmail European Nations because of Oil and Rising Gas Prices and Putin Setting the Stage for Someone WORSE than Him” says John Paul Jackson

“Russia will Blackmail European Nations because of Oil and Rising Gas Prices and Putin Setting the Stage for Someone WORSE than Him” says John Paul Jackson


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! God has said much about the days that we are experiencing and what is still ahead of us. Amos 3:7 declares “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”  John Paul Jackson has continually sounded the siren of warnings of the days that are ahead. The Lord revealed to him some upcoming actions that we will see take place in Russia. With the rise and fall of oil prices in the recent years, there will be major decisions done when oil begins to rise once again. “Russia is going to end up blackmailing many of the small satellite nations that used to be part of the Soviet bloc and demand that they come into a whole new alliance, with a whole new agreement.” Jackson then begins to list country after country of those affected. “Czechoslovakia, the Slavic countries, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine…all these are going to be blackmailed by Russia saying ‘If you want our oil and if you want our gas you will come back in. Because if you don’t, we will close the pipeline tomorrow.’”

Some may gather that Vladimir Putin’s leadership has not been good. But, his leadership is nothing compared to the one that is coming after Putin. As Jackson continues, “There is a third guy behind the scenes that is even more ruthless than that. He will end up showing up on the scene…He is not the anti-Christ because the anti-Christ comes from somewhere else.” We should not respond in fear to anything that takes place in the world because regardless what happens, God is still in control. Hear the full report and see all of the prophetic words shared by John Paul Jackson and so much more. Also shared in this segment: oil prices, pipelines, nationalism, Vladimir Putin, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Slavko Sereda/Shutterstock.com

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