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Home » 1963 Kenneth Hagin Sr., Prophetic Word Regarding America: Darkness, Atheistic Communism, Race Riots, and the Coming Fire of GOD, Tongues of FIRE

1963 Kenneth Hagin Sr., Prophetic Word Regarding America: Darkness, Atheistic Communism, Race Riots, and the Coming Fire of GOD, Tongues of FIRE

LISTEN NOW! When you see the many tensions that are being amplified and stirred up in America, these are events that we must take special note of. Things have not always been like this. When Kenneth Hagin, Sr. delivered a prophetic word in 1963, its implications have surprisingly accurate applications to the events of today. In this midst of what appears to be increasing chaos, God still has plans to bring about His own purposes.

As Hagin shares, he was taken high into the heavenlies by the Lord, and he could see the entire nation. As he was looking, he was then shown certain things happening over the nation. “For there came a dark hand from out of the ocean, from the East, even the Atlantic Ocean. It came up out of the sea as a hand and it rose up into the air and became a dark cloud; and it filled the whole atmosphere.” It was then that Hagin inquired of the Lord as to what exactly he was seeing. “That is the darkness of Atheistic Communism that is sweeping across the nation.”As Hagin was told, the liberties and freedoms in America that were experienced in the 60’s was the height that they would ever be experienced. The Lord continued to speak to Hagin, “This nation shall not grow more strong and Yee shall never have more liberty than Yee have now. The liberties that you’ve known, as you’ve seen them seized, shall be taken from you.” The Lord continued to speak to him, “Communistic inspired hatred among racists shall cause greater turmoil than your nation has seen here before. Yea, it is not the will of God, but men’s hearts are perverse. They walk without the love of God and seek to have their own way and so it shall be worse than you have seen.”


In desperation from what he was being shown, Hagin asked if there was only darkness and evil in the future of America. But there was hope to be seen. The Lord then directed him to look again at the nation of America. “So then I looked into the spirit realm and I saw falling [inaudible] a ball of fire. The closer to the Earth, the bigger it got; and then when it came to the Earth, it divided into small balls, or sparks of fire.” Hagin continues to share this encouraging word, “It fell upon men and I saw an army of men rise up; and it seemed as though their hands were fire, and they had upon their heads a tongue of fire.” The Lord spoke again about what Hagin was being shown. “Before the worst is to come and the day of darkness is coming, there shall be those who will carry the fullness of my truth and fire…for there is a work to be done first spiritually before the Lord shall come. Now, prepare Yee your hearts, for the time is at hand and the beginning is now.”


As we have said many times, both the worst of times and the best of times are upon us. God is preparing the hearts of men and bringing about the largest harvest of souls the world has ever seen. Now is the time that we are prepared and ready to be used by the Lord in this soon coming harvest. Be awakened and encouraged as you hear the full prophetic word from Kenneth Hagin, Sr., and so much more. Also shared in this segment: America, atheism, Communism, prophecy, end times, and hope. 

Courtesy of Angela Schmidt/Shutterstock.com

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