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Home » Looking Prophetically at The Constitution & The Church

LISTEN NOW! Sometimes when we pray, asking God to speak to us about the things that are happening around us, we need God to speak to us plainly. This is exactly what took place when Greg Lancaster was seeking the Lord about the things that are happening in America and the world. Ultimately, God spoke in a way that he understood what was happening and what would take place.


On one of the walls of his office hangs an artist’s rendition of an olive tree representing Jesus, “Yeshua”, with the roots being Israel and the fruit of the tree being the Church. Shockingly, the frame of this picture literally ripped from the wall and slammed to the ground. Surprisingly, the frame was only slightly cracked and the glass remained intact. Greg then returned the frame back to its place on the wall.

Another frame on his wall had the United States Constitution. This frame suffered a similar fall to the ground. But, there was a drastically different outcome. It sounded like an explosion as shattered glass was catapulted throughout the entire office.

What exactly is God saying? We are seeing the Church constantly attacked. Persecution targeting Christians is on the rise. A Priest was just beheaded on the altar in Normandy, France, and Israel is continually being targeted and attacked by its neighbors. Israel may receive attacks, BUT it will survive in the end. The Constitution is also continually being targeted and receiving attacks. Israel and America are being attacked, but the Constitution may not make it. We may lose the freedoms offered to us through the Constitution. 

It was this very revelation that was given to leaders in the Church after a prophetic gathering. Leaders left with their own personal Constitution and iAbide wristbands that served as a reminder of what was at stake. Sure enough, we are seeing both come to pass in the days that we are witnessing right now.
Courtesy of rangizzz/Shutterstock.com

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