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Home » Prophecy: Let the Ekklesia Arise, The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders

Prophecy: Let the Ekklesia Arise, The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders


LISTEN NOW! Networks of Kingdom Alliances with the voice of hope are emerging in very intentional ways. Many will teach on the “ekklesia” from their pulpits and in their conferences, inspiring the people of God to arise and be the called-out ones. 
There will be a strong anointing on the ekklesia to root out and pull down the “gates and walls of the enemy.” By this, as we are faithful to move out into society to be a voice of change, there will be a dismantling and shaking of old corrupt systems.
The economies of nations who have refused to shift and are keeping their people in bondage will see massive shakings. Exposure after exposure will come to those corrupt individuals who thought they were too protected and embedded through bribes and intimidation. They will find themselves falling out of power, going to prison, and, in some cases, even dying.
The Lord showed us clearly that this is a new season where the ekkesia is being given the anointing not only to root out, and tear down, but this will be a special season of building and planting. The revelation of blessing our cities and nations will be a kingdom anthem for the ekklesa.  If we root out, but do not plant, then the nations will only be exposed to worse than they had been before.
Therefore, we admonish the intercessors to pray beyond the tearing down of old systems and pray into the structures and systems that need to form afterward.  Let’s intercede for new leaders and effective systems to be put in place that will build up their nations.
 shutterstock.com/Donald Linscott


#VFNtv    S1P2I3R4I5T6   PWDVOCT2016     PWDVUSOCT2016     PWDVELSEOCT2016     


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