LISTEN NOW! New songs and new sounds will flow from emerging worship leaders. The Tabernacle of David will see the release of many, many new Psalmists that will sing the song of the nations. A new, even more passionate generation of abandoned worshippers is emerging!
Songs will be written that influence not only the church but also society at large. These songs will disciple nations in the way that the Beatles and the Summer of Love released a “free love sexual revolution” in a negative way as well as rebellion and sin. We will be singing the sounds of awakening in society! The bells of true liberty will ring in song once again.
Andrew Fletcher, a politician from Scotland, said, “Let me sing the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” In other words, the power of the voice singing creates movements for societal change.
Power worshippers will arise as a new generation moves into cities and regions and breaks open the heavens in a massive way. Through praise and worship, they will “pierce the darkness” created by principalities and powers over regions.
These worshippers will become “sent ones” who will go into unreached parts of cities and nations to prepare the way for the evangelists who will come after them.
This worship movement will see an even greater rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David with many more 24/7 Houses of Prayer being established. They will have an understanding of the connection that God has given between the church and Israel, and many will call this new move a “Davidic Messianic” movement of believers.