President Trump, a Pro-Life President
God has truly given us mercy! This is such an exciting time and a moment to recognize what God has done. Prophesy is an invitation by God to believe with Him what He is going to do. In October of 2016, God spoke to Greg and said that Donald Trump would be the next President of the United States. The White House is the people’s house once again and we are seeing many things that God has declared are coming to pass.
When the first White House Press Briefing took place, Press Secretary James Brady took the podium and the first person he called on was CBN News’ White House Correspondent, Jennifer Wishon. She asked about the President’s reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy and more specifically she asked “can pro-life Americans expect him to put his signature on legislation that would defund Planned Parenthood?” In response, Brady stated,
‘… the President, it’s no secret, has made it very clear that he is a pro-life President. He wants to stand up for all Americans, including the unborn, and I think the reinstatement of [The Mexico City Policy] not just echoes that value, but respects tax payer funding as well, and ensures that we’re standing up for, not just for life, for life of the unborn, but for tax payer funds that are being spent overseas to perform an action that is contrary to the values of this President and continue to further illustrate not just to the folks here in this country, but around the world, what a value we place on life.’
This is truly a miraculous moment as we are witnessing just the beginning of God’s plans and abilities. See the entire exchange, the entire briefing and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: pro-life, miracles, press secretary, White House, and A Breakthrough Year. Greg shared in this segment.
President Trump Securing the Border, Chief Responsibility
It has been previously been shared by Kamal Saleem, with Koome Ministries, that the U.S. Border Patrol reported in 2010 that over 450,000 Radical Islamists were in the country. These are outrageous numbers that highlight a critical threat that exists in America; and that was seven years ago! For as many years America has had a porous border along Mexico, our new President is taking decisive action to end all that.
President Trump is beginning to resolve this issue by hiring 5,000 new border patrol agents and 10,000 ICE agents. This is being done in specific response to the illegal aliens in America. When the President spoke at the Department of Homeland Security, he shared about his actions that are soon to take place and how it would influence those causing harm that are in America. “We are going to get the bad ones out, the criminals, and the drug dealers, and gangs, and gang members, and cartel leaders. The day is over when they can stay in our country and wreak havoc.”
If we are to listen to some of the voices that are crying out regarding these actions, some people are actually offended at these remarks. When we look at the responsibilities of the President, the protection of our borders is a chief responsibility. In times such as this, we have to express our deep gratitude to the many men and women of our law enforcement who didn’t abandon their posts during such tumultuous times in our nation, but continued to maintain order to the best of their abilities. People are not lining up to enter countries such as Iran, or Venezuela, but America. If you have an aquarium of fish, and you take away the glass, you no longer have an aquarium. It is these very borders that are once again going to be protected and maintained.
The truth of these actions is focused at “illegal” immigrants. If one were to listen to some of the voices regarding this issue, it is being portrayed that it is focused on all immigrants. But that is not the case. The danger of “illegal” immigrants is that they are here “illegally” and that is who is being targeted to be removed from America.
Be encouraged as you see the dramatic and uplifting change that is happening in America as our new Administration takes office. Also, shared in this segment: Kamal Saleem, Syria, Other Than Mexicans, the Constitution, Truck Drivers, porous borders, and Radical Jihad. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Freedom Takes Participation, Oppression Lifted, God Has Given Us Mercy instead of Judgment- Prophetic dream
God is moving rapidly bringing to pass the very words that He said He would do. In the beginning of 2016, Pastor John Kilpatrick prophesied that it would be the Year of the Wind. Only days later Brett Holderbaum prophesied that the Wind of Heaven would come to Washington, D.C. and the monuments would be brought down. These monuments were not actual monuments seen in Washington, but strongholds that man had setup.
God is continuing to speak prophetically regarding this year when He spoke to Greg Lancaster in a night vision. On October 21, 2016, Greg was shown America on a ship, like a cruise ship. The entire ship was under oppression, everyone was oppressed. Then the Lord showed that as soon as this new administration took office, everyone was free. This is exactly what we are seeing. For a long time, we have asked the question, “Are we Jeremiah, are we Josiah, or are we Daniel?” This is a Josiah moment. God has heard our cries and granted us freedom. But, Greg was also shown in this vision is that most people stayed in this ship. Freedom takes participation; it takes effort.
We are shifting into a new season. The mindsets of the previous season cannot continue into this new season in order to move in what God is doing. God has granted us mercy! Mercy means that we are not going to suffer for what we justly deserve. Mercy doesn’t mean that we are good, it means that God is good. America deserves judgment and we were teetering on the edge. Judgment was on the doorstep of America. But, God decided to give us mercy. This is the essence of Dutch Sheets’ new book The Way Back. Sheets describes in his book how two separate people were told that Mercy was spoken over America six times. We need to run out of the court room of God, thankful for His mercy, and live our lives differently.
Allow the winds of encouragement and hope fill your lungs as you see and hear about the goodness and mercies of God that have swept across America and the good plans that God has in store. Also, shared in this segment: a pioneering spirit, Rick Pino, judge, court room, mindsets, and freedom. Greg and John shared in this segment.
God is Raising up His Media over of the Earth, Prophetic Word Bill Yount
Media is no longer as it once was. We are seeing those who had a high position in media have had an entire biased reporting of events the entire time. All the way up to the Presidential elections, voices were stating that it was only going to go one way. Every news sources were prophesying just like the false prophets were on the top of Mount Carmel. Voices from the tops of these Media mountains were proclaiming that it was only going to go one way. But God knew. What do you do after so many false news broadcasts? Bill Yount prophesied about these realities when the Lord spoke to him about how God would Redeem the Media with His own News Anchors!
On December 22nd, Yount called Greg Lancaster with exuberant excitement about what was taking place in America. He continued to speak prophetically to Greg by saying what the Lord had spoken to him.
“I sense there’s something in the air. It’s as though heaven is descending a little lower to earth. The “prince of the power” of the air is being divinely “interfered with” and massively interrupted. I heard heaven proclaim. “The time has come to redeem the airwaves covering the earth and begin to impact the media to become a conduit to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh!” God even showed Yount how specific resources would be used to declare the Kingdom. “I then saw angels begin to anoint satellite stations and dishes above the earth. And on the earth angels were descending upon huge television and radio towers. Great heavenly broadcasting interference was about to come upon the earth. Angels were being assigned to billboards, newspapers and nationwide magazines. Even addresses of “pornographic empires” were being given to angels for assignments. Anything the angels could get their hands on was about to be used to noise and alert people about the coming of a great outpouring of God’s Spirit and love coming to earth. Computer online services would feel the weight of God’s Glory impacting them.”
It was the voice of God that has positioned us as He has to have a daily television program, VFNtv, that is now reaching 100 different countries around the world. God spoke this during a time of prayer. And now, we are just getting started!
Be encouraged and lifted up as you see the shifting of the seasons taking place and God’s hand moving across all that is being seen and heard, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: media, false reporting, Baal’s prophets, and News Anchors. Greg and John shared in this segment.
God is Raising Funds for God’s Television Networks Prophetic Dream – John Ramos
While we have just come out of a time of fasting and praying for this new year and new season of what God is doing, God spoke to John Ramos in a night vision about what the Lord is doing. In this specific encounter, John was talking to Ward Simpson, President of God TV. They were having a casual conversation. It is important to note that God TV is broadcasted FROM Jerusalem and then sent all over the world. In this particular conversation, there was some opposition about what God was doing, and immediately God said to not even worry about it. “God is raising up funding for all of God’s Television!” God is going to fund His agenda.
As we walk out God’s mercy, this is how we can all take action in partnering with what God is doing, by partnering with VFNtv as we are now reaching over 100 countries. It’s not enough to know the news that is happening in America and around the world. We must know God’s news behind the news. Who do you want as your news broadcasters? WE WANT GOD!
Hear the full encounter and all that God said that He is doing in this critical hour, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: finances, media mountain, Israel, Jerusalem, and funding. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Franklin Graham Prayer at the Inauguration for the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump
When President Trump made his inaugural speech, it culminated with multiple voices that not only prayed for the newly appointed President, but also acknowledged Jesus Christ. Franklin Graham was one of these voices. Some may have recognized the coming rain during the President’s speech, but some may not have recognized the timing of the rain.
As Franklin Graham took the podium, he opened with these powerful words, “Mr. President, in the Bible, rain is a sign of God’s blessing; and it started to rain, Mr. President, when you came to the platform.” He continued to share that God would not only bless the President, but also his family, his cabinet and those around him. Franklin Graham spoke from 1 Timothy 2 about the need to pray for all our leaders in authority over us. See the full Inaugural speech from the President, the closing prayers from Franklin Graham, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: prayer, blessing, and intercession. Greg shared in this segment.