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Home » PROPHECY! God is Raising up His Media over of the Earth, Prophetic Word by Bill Yount

PROPHECY! God is Raising up His Media over of the Earth, Prophetic Word by Bill Yount


LISTEN NOW! While we have just come out of a time of fasting and praying for this new year and new season of what God is doing, God spoke to John Ramos in a night vision about what the Lord is doing. In this specific encounter, John was talking to Ward Simpson, President of God TV. They were having a casual conversation. It is important to note that God TV is broadcasted FROM Jerusalem and then sent all over the world. In this particular conversation, there was some opposition about what God was doing, and immediately God said to not even worry about it. “God is raising up funding for all of God’s Television!”  God is going to fund His agenda.
As we walk out God’s mercy, this is how we can all take action in partnering with what God is doing, by partnering with VFNtv as we are now reaching over 100 countries. It’s not enough to know the news that is happening in America and around the world. We must know God’s news behind the news. Who do you want as your news broadcasters? WE WANT GOD!

Hear the full encounter and all that God said that He is doing in this critical hour, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: finances, media mountain, Israel, Jerusalem, and funding. Greg and John shared in this segment. 



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