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Home » Power Grid Infiltrated by Terrorist? Total Black Out? Tedd Koppel – “Lights Out: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath”

Power Grid Infiltrated by Terrorist? Total Black Out? Tedd Koppel – “Lights Out: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath”


There have been many prophetic words that have been released warning of the days that we are facing today. From the rising attacks of terrorism, to nuclear war, the effects are the same when looking at the external threats. What about an attack that could possibly cripple the American economy without a shot being fired, or without a missile being launched? What about an internal power grid failure? In his book, Lights Out: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath, Ted Koppel talks about the imminent threats coming to America.

There have been countless natural disasters that have been experienced throughout all areas of America. In a CBS report, the critical question is asked. “But, what happens if the power goes out in a number of states; affecting millions of people for weeks; even months?” During Koppel’s own research that led to the writing of his new book, he commented to CBS, “It is frightening enough that my wife and I were going to buy enough freeze dried food for our kids and their kids.” The imagery that Koppel’s book reveals is not a good one. Most are not aware of the infrastructure of America’s power grid. There are only three individual grids that power the entire United States. “If a hacker decides to take down an entire grid, a huge portion of the country, along with parts of Canada could go down with it. The primary reason, like so much else these days, the grid relies heavily on the internet.” Continue reading…

Courtesy of urbans/shutterstock.com

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